How To Tell Someone To Lose Weight Without Hurting Their Feelings?

Asking someone to drop off some pounds isn’t always easy. You may often come out inconsiderate and judgmental of their body, which makes them uncomfortable. It sure isn’t a topic you can feel comfortable talking about either, which leaves you wondering, How to tell someone to lose weight without hurting their feelings?

talking to a friend who need to lose weight

You should know other people’s boundaries and show genuine concern when telling them about losing weight. Also, try to inform them about the benefits of losing weight in a friendlier way without sounding overly judgmental.

Infuse a concern of support than ridicule in your statements and easily motivate them to lose weight.

Do you have a friend or loved one you desperately want to convince to lose weight but can’t figure out where to start? This article is for you.  

How Do You Talk to Someone Who Needs to Lose Weight Without hurting their feelings?

The following are some tips to consider when trying to encourage someone to lose weight:

  • Provide Them Information about the Benefits

People want the result without signing up for the process. While that’s entirely impossible, having a lean and toned body is everyone’s kryptonite.

It’s easy to convert someone by simply telling them about the results of losing weight than explaining the strenuous process. However, telling them in a ridiculing way won’t do the trick but give them one more reason to resort to staying with fat on their bodies. Also read: How To Psych Yourself To Lose weight?

You could tell people who need to lose weight about what they should expect and how good that is to them. Painting a picture of stronger arms and legs is way more enticing than explaining the hours needed in resistance training.

Making someone believe they can achieve similar results as you present to them is pretty straightforward if you can show them results.

  • Be Supportive of Their Weight Loss Goal

Losing weight may seem easy for people who have the results. However, there’s usually a hard toil behind the learner and toned bodies that meet the eye. If your friend or loved one has decided to enroll in a weight loss class; they will go through it all to achieve the desired results. As such, you must be supportive of their goals and present for them.

Here, simple talk won’t only help that much. Stopping at “I’m here to help you in your weight loss journey” isn’t sufficient enough. However, showing genuine care by tagging along in people’s weight loss classes can convince them enough that you care.

Being supportive goes beyond words but showing action that you care about how you want them to achieve their weight loss results.

  • Be Honest and Never Poke Too Hard

Obesity is a condition and situation that’s embarrassing and debilitating. And while overweight people may hardly seem to care about their bodies, it usually eats them up from the inside out. Also read: What Can A Woman Do To Lose Weight Fast?

Therefore, you can initiate an open conversation and make them feel free to discuss their situation. But first, you must be sure they have a plan to lose weight and that it’s not only an idea you have to introduce to the first.

That’s why you need to assess their boundaries and whether or not these people want to lose weight. Avoid poking too hard and making them feel less like themselves.

Instead, approach the conversation honestly and be sure that you sound authentic and empathic. “Jack, have you heard about the recent gym launch in town? We should try a few moves in there,” sounds less intrusive and authentic to the idea of them enrolling in the gym. However, words like “Jack, you need to enroll in the recently opened gym because you need it” sound poky.

  • Avoid Offering A Diet, Exercise Routine, Or Surgery

You’ll be at fault and subject to blame if your suggested practice doesn’t provide the results they need. At least, please don’t do it directly but try to mention it as a suggestion they might need to consider. Also read: Why Can’t I Lose Weight No Matter What I Do ?

You need to offer as many alternative weight loss alternatives after broaching the subject and wait for them to decide what they want.

Some people are open to pinning the blame on a routine that doesn’t work for them, especially if you reassure them that they work. You could also ask them to discuss your suggestion with their healthcare providers.

Some workout routines barely work, and a few diets may prove ineffective. You don’t want to reassure your friend or loved one that they’ll achieve weight loss results if your suggested process fails to work.

  • Avoid Framing the Discussion Around Weight and Food

You don’t need to be overly direct with your intention about telling someone to drop some extra pounds. Instead, you can be playful and casual by making the discussion less focused on the food they eat. Besides, try avoiding talking about how their weight is unhealthy for them or how bad it distorts their physique.

You can score a topic and discuss it without mentioning its weight. “Cindy, how hard do you find getting a flatter tummy on a scale of one to ten? Can you sign up for the challenge against me?” can be more casual and playful, and it’ll ring in their mind that working out or dieting should help them achieve the result.

You’d easily entice your friend or loved one to take on the challenge without mentioning their weight or the food they take.

  • Avoid Shaming or Guilt-Trapping

You gain nothing from shaming someone due to their excessive weight. Worse, guilt-trapping them demoralizes them into working hard to drop a few pounds.

Perhaps it may work in the short term, and the other person on the receiving end may seem motivated. However, it doesn’t help them sustain this motivation for a long time. Also read: How To Lose Weight Without A Tracking App

It pays to be kind when trying to lure your loved one or friend into signing up for a weight loss regimen. Avoid using piercing statements like, “I hate seeing you becoming this overweight,” or, “your pants don’t fit you anymore.” Instead, words like, “Would you mind checking on your weight?” or “these pants look better on you when they fit.” Such words are warm and inviting instead of repelling and condemning.

  • More Love and Respect Can Go a Long Way

Love conquers it all, and your loved ones can feel in a safe space around you when talking about them losing weight. The good thing is you can direct and precisely to the point, and it won’t harm them if you do it more respectfully and lovingly.

Not everyone loves a poky critic who aims it at them without showing a little empathy. Only a few people can tolerate you telling them more aggressively and can quickly be defensive.

Love and kindness emanate from your heart, and your tone and concern should feel more genuine. It’s easy to convert someone into believing they can lose weight when you’re respectful and loving that being overly aggressive and inconsiderate.


Watching your loved ones and friends lose the battle to obesity, and excessive weight gain can be saddening. And while no one fits all approach to telling someone to lose weight exists, a little judgment and putting your words on a scale before saying them goes a long way. Always strive to help people and convince them to lose weight more humanely than doing it for the sake of it.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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