Meet Our Team

We are a Health and Fitness publication that tries to cover all facets. Our goal is to bring you the most trusted information. For more about Geeks Health’s vision, visit us here.

Our team works hard daily to help ensure the accuracy and integrity of all information published at Geeks Health. You can always send us your feedback or complaints by contacting us here or by emailing [email protected]

Doctor David Fauver

DR David Fauver, MD

Dr. David Fauver is an internal medicine physician whose main focus and interests is to research adverse effects of medications, herbal supplements particularly on adult patients. Dr David have over 20 years experience and have been practicing since 1995. visit here for his official page

Vanessa Roberts

Vanessa Robert, Registered Dietitian

Vanessa Roberts is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and she enjoy freelance nutrition writer from Coral, Springs, FL. She has more than 7 year’s experience in nutrition and dietetics. visit here for here official page

Jennifer Singleton, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Jennifer Singleton is a registered nutritionist and fitness writer who is passionate about fitness nutrition and accomplishing better health by spending time between the gym and the kitchen. Jennifer completed her undergraduate degree at the Ohio State University. Visit her profile

Dominque Rice

Dominique Rice

Dominique Rice has extensive experience reviewing consumer health information. Her training, particularly, has focused on communicating evidence-based medical information to readers. She strives to make health information as accurate as possible. You can learn more on her LinkedIn Page and Her about page

Lisa Johnson
Lisa Johnson

Lisa is our content editor in Chief. A science writer and Former yoga teacher in Long Island, New York. Her work has appeared in print and digital publications, including Geeks Health. Originally from a small town called Uvalde, Texas. Lisa lived in Los Angeles, San Antonio. When she’s not reading or writing, Lisa is often traveling the world. visit her profile page

For more about editorial practices visit here

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