Updated 1/11/2023
While we are not medical practitioners, we have a team of writers who only write well-researched and factual articles for our readers.
We are a global publication dedicated to Health and Fitness and advocacy, so we seek out the best writers in the industry and provide them with an avenue to share their stories.
All of our authors have been screened for accuracy, bias, and hate speech. We never accept the inclusion of any articles that do not uphold our quality standards.
As a result, our blog will always provide information and insights that are reliable and accurate. Our team of writers and researchers come from all over the world, so we’re able to find a diverse range Of content, all helping our Users to get the most out of it.
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Our content isn’t intended to replace medical advice or other treatments, so be sure to follow all recommendations given to you by your healthcare provider.
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Since the content in our guides is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, we encourage you to always seek the advice of your physician before you start taking any new supplements.
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