How to Lose Weight Without a Tracking App: Important Tips To Consider

Tracking your weight loss progress using Apps has made things relatively easy. However, you may be more opposed to using one because you don’t find this technology convenient.

lose weight without tracking app

How to lose weight without a tracking app? If you don’t want to use these tracking apps; you have alternate ways to track your weight loss progress by monitoring your body changes.

Your body has its unique way of showing you that it’s responding to your weight loss effort. Your clothes should fit differently with time, your muscle buff up, and your mood should improve. Besides, your blood pressure will lower, and your chronic pain should recede. One of the best way to lose weight without using a tracking device is to use weight loss pills like Alpine ice hack.

This article offers alternate ways to track your weight loss progress without a tracking app.

how to lose weight without a tracking app

The following are some tips to consider when trying to lose weight without using a tracking app.

  • More Muscle Addition

Most people go to their gym to puff themselves up without the goal of losing weight in mind. However, you can use that as your telltale sign to let you know you’re progressing.

Gaining muscle requires eliminating body fat, and you’ll know your effort is paying when that happens. You’ll see that you’re progressing, especially if you’ve previously been obese and struggled with weight gain.

However, please understand that seeing possible improvement in your muscle mass can take quite some time. That also depends on the workout you sign up for since some exercises hardly subject you to excessive pressure. Also read: How To Tell Someone To Lose Weight Without Hurting Their Feeling.

You’re more likely to notice significant muscle mass improvement with resistant training than with simple aerobics. However, any change in muscle gain, regardless of your preferred workout, should indicate that you’re losing body fat.

  • No Chronic Pain or Discomfort

This indicator is intangible and is only based on how you feel rather than what you see. However, receding pain indicates that you’re losing weight and your effort is paying. Read: How To Lose Weight While On Birth Control

Remember, you’re more likely to be in pain if you’re obese and your body finds it extremely challenging to handle the weight. More particularly, your joint, which takes in the most stress, can be sore and always in pain, and medication could only be helping in the short term.

While you may notice other signs and weight loss indicators, receded pain is the most practical at giving you hints. One study affirms that losing about 20 percent of body weight should improve knee inflammation and pain for arthritic people.

Besides, more studies also show that losing half of it can still help you register significant improvement in your chronic pain, which indicates that you’re making progress with your weight loss goals.

  • An Improved Sense of Wellbeing

You know your body better and can feel it when you’re generally improving. Especially so, the relief that comes with losing weight is usually satisfying, and you can always feel like being in your best headspace. You’ll feel more in control and less depressed. Your sleep will improve, and your anxiety lower drastically. Most people also establish that they register improved mood, and their vitality goes over their ceiling.

The psychological impact of losing weight should tell you that your effort is finally paying off. However, you may not always experience these psychological changes earlier. Regardless, these changes should show up later when it’s already apparent that you’re losing weight.

  • Change in Body Measurements

The most practical sign that you’ve lost a few pounds or more is when your clothes don’t fit as they used to. Your clothes should feel bigger than usual and less gripping than they should.

That includes your pants becoming loose at the waist and the T-shirt you put on becoming loose at the collars and arms. The sleeves can feel less gripping since these parts are usually among the first to lose weight for resistance trainers.

Please note that your clothes may begin fitting again, which shouldn’t worry you. That’s because of a possible muscle gain that takes your body to its initial size and perhaps more. Muscle gain may not only appear in men, but women can equally gain more muscle. If so, please check for any possible muscle gain, indicating that you’re in the right cause.

  • Your Blood Pressure Is Going Down

Your blood pressure should lower if you’re losing weight. Dropping a few pounds helps you relieve the strain on your blood vessel. The reason is that your accumulated body fat can pressure your blood vessels and constrict them.

That leads to frequent heart attacks and strokes. Also, fat cells accumulating on your blood vessel’s sides increase your blood pressure, and your heart is more likely to get overwhelmed.

If your strokes and heart attacks are becoming less frequent, it should indicate that your blood pressure is lowering. That means your weight loss goals are becoming a reality, and you might already have blasted some significant fat. Some people also realize that their hearts may work with less strain than before, indicating that they hear their muscles are measuring up to the task.

  • More Hunger and Urge to Eat

Most people become more ravenous as they lose weight. It’s a viable indicator and telltale sign that you’re progressing toward achieving your weight loss goals. That means your body’s metabolism is improving, with quick digestion and an urge for cravings being the hallmark.

Nevertheless, please don’t fall for this trap, as it can compromise your weight loss goals and take you to square one. Excessive eating may heighten your calorie intake, storing it as fat in the body.

If you’re eating three meals a day and want to add another one, it’s a positive sign that you’re making progress. Regardless, please watch out for the amount you munch on, as taking too much food can be your undoing.

  • Increased Water Intake

An increased urge to drink water and to do that more often should typically indicate that you’re on track to losing weight. Remember, the body needs more water to help you lose weight, and a higher intake means you’re making progress. You can measure your average daily water intake and record how much you need to quench your thirst daily.

You don’t need a water intake tracker, as it’s way too easy to determine how much your body needs every day. As you lose body fat, your cells need more nourishment to replace the water reserves that squeeze out metabolic processes. If you’re becoming increasingly thirsty, please take it as a sign that you’re progressing with your weight loss effort.

  • Improved Sleep

Better sleep should indicate that you’re becoming fitter by the day and progressing on your weight loss effort. Remember, you usually become less vulnerable to bloats and tiredness if you’re obese, which disrupts your sleep cycle. You’ll even lack proper sleep when you don’t feel okay mentally and physically, which should prompt you to hit the gym.

If you’re spending your nights uninterrupted with everything else constant – including your sleeping environment – you’re on track to losing weight. It’s also a viable indicator that you’re losing a few more pounds, which doesn’t need a tracker to figure out.


Losing weight is easy, and tracking the results with an app doesn’t always require a weight loss tracker. Your body should throw all the signs that you’re losing weight at you. You can now bid goodbye to more costly weight loss tracker apps and resort to using the characters that the body gives you. That’s way more convenient.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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