Does An Enlarged Prostate Ever Go Down: Can It Reduce In Size?

An enlarged prostate can result from several causes, including bacterial attacks, age, and even malign tissues. A typically normal and healthy prostate is only walnut-sized, but it may sometimes be as big as a tennis ball. So, does it ever retract to its original size?

can enlarged prostate go down

An enlarged prostate can go down with appropriate treatment. Most less concerning causes for prostate enlargement, including age-related hormonal changes, can be easily reversible. However, it may take proper treatment to shrink an enlarged prostate due to more severe causes like malign tissues.

This article examines the possibility of enlarged prostates shrinking and how to facilitate it.

Understanding the Prostate Gland

The prostate gland, located below the bladder, is a walnut-shaped gland that is part of every male’s reproductive system. It produces semen, a mucous fluid that mixes with testicular sperms to facilitate their movement inside a woman’s vaginal canal after ejaculation. It also surrounds the urethra, a tube conveying urine outside the body.

This gland can enlarge, achieving a size equivalent to a golf or tennis ball. That results in a typical condition in men due to hormonal changes called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

An enlarged prostate can cause difficulty with urination, including a weak urine stream, urinary frequency, and the feeling of being less able to completely empty your bladder[1]. In more severe cases, an enlarged prostate can lead to several complications, including urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and kidney damage.

To understand the causes and symptoms of an enlarged prostate, knowing more about the normal function of the prostate gland and its role in the male reproductive system is essential. If you are experiencing any symptoms of an enlarged prostate, you must consult a healthcare provider for proper treatment.

Causes of an Enlarged Prostate

The prostate usually enlarges due to several underlying issues that can be concerning. However, a cause as simple as age can enlarge your prostate. In some cases, an enlarged prostate may not indicate a severe problem, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take quick action to treat it. Below are the causes of an enlarged prostate:

  • Age-related hormonal changes

As men age, their bodies experience hormonal changes that lead to an enlarged prostate. The condition (BPH) may not be overly concerning, and most men may not realize that their prostates are enlarged. However, if your prostate grows close to the size of a tennis ball, you can typically experience pain and discomfort.

  • Family history

If men in your family have ever experienced this condition, it may likely occur to you. BPH isn’t hereditary but can follow patterns along your family line, although the possibility is typically low.

  • Obesity

Obese individuals can have prostate issues that they may need to deal with. obesity can increase estrogen levels known to increase the chances of your prostate enlarging. Moreover, fat around your prostate can cause localized pressure, which may eventually lead to an enlarged prostate.

Medications – Some medications, including decongestants and diuretics, can contain compounds that enlarge your prostate. If so, finding alternative treatment can be handy.

  • Lifestyle factors

It’s not verified how lifestyle factors can enlarge your prostate, but diet can cause this condition. A diet high in red meat may not be ideal, and daily dairy products may lead to BPH development.

The underlying causes of an enlarged prostate can be associated with lifestyle habits. However, you can possibly have an enlarged prostate due to cancer, which is a concerning condition requiring immediate medical intervention.

Can an enlarged prostate reduce in size?

An enlarged prostate can go down and reduce in size if you intervene with treatment. However, you should know that, in some instances, prostate enlargement may not be overly concerning, and you can get relief without doing much.

However, you must consult with your healthcare provider to ascertain the reason for an enlarged prostate isn’t as concerning or severe.

With treatment, no matter the cause, your prostate can shrink to its average walnut-like size. Some of the typical treatments to reduce prostate size include the following:

  • Lifestyle changes

Making little lifestyle changes can help relieve BPH symptoms. Such lifestyle changes may include limiting fluid intake before bedtime to reduce nighttime urination and avoiding caffeine and alcohol.

Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine can also be an ideal way to shrink your prostate naturally. Losing weight, reducing stress levels, and practicing bladder training exercises may also be helpful.

  • Surgery –

Surgery may be necessary for men with serious symptoms or complications from an enlarged prostate. TURP is the most prevalent and commonly used surgical procedure for treating an enlarged prostate, which removes excess prostate tissue using a tiny instrument sectioned through the urethra. Other surgical options may include TUIP, open prostatectomy, or laser surgery.

  • Minimally invasive treatments

In addition to medications, minimally invasive treatments may also be ideal for shrinking your prostate. These procedures use heat or other energy forms to destroy or remove the excess prostate tissue, relieving pressure on the urethra and improving urine flow.

Common minimally invasive treatments for an enlarged prostate include transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT), transurethral needle ablation (TUNA), and laser therapy.

  • Medications

Various medications are available that can alleviate the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Alpha-blockers can contribute to the relaxation of muscles in the prostate and bladder neck, thereby improving urine flow. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors can inhibit the production of hormones that contribute to prostate growth and reduce size.

Some men may find that a combination of alpha-blockers and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors is an effective treatment option.

  • Natural treatments

Some men may explore natural treatments for BPH, such as herbal remedies or supplements. Saw palmetto and pygeum are commonly used herbal remedies for an enlarged prostate, but other plant extracts and powders can do the trick. Please note that consulting with your healthcare provider before using any natural medications or supplements to treat an enlarged prostate is always essential.

An enlarged prostate can shrink if you use any of the treatments above. However, you should know that the spans for getting relief may vary, with surgery being the quickest with more extended recovery periods than natural remedies. Before embarking on any treatment listed above, however, please consult with your healthcare provider for closure.

How Long Can it Take an Enlarged Prostate to Go Down to normal Size?

The timelines for an enlarged prostate going down vary depending on your chosen treatment option and the underlying cause. At best, you can expect your prostate to shrink within a few weeks, perhaps five to six, with treatments like surgery. However, the downside is that you may have to wait for a significantly lengthy period for complete recovery.

Natural treatments may take quite a long time if the prostate has enlarged massively. However, if the condition is still in its early stages, you may take less time, perhaps from a few weeks to months. Non-invasive treatments can take about three to six months to shrink and heal your prostate almost entirely. Whichever option you choose, you must ensure that you have a professional healthcare provider’s consent and advice to go ahead with.


An enlarged prostate can go down, mostly with treatment. Natural prostate enlargement can cause BPH, a less concerning and mostly treatable condition due to hormonal changes. You may require treating this condition using natural remedies, but surgery can still work in removing excess tissue. There are numerous other ways to treat an enlarged prostate, which reduces it in

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Dominique Rice
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