What Is the Leading Cause of Prostate Problems:7 Possible Reasons

The prostate is one of the most delicate male parts, constantly predisposed to more compromising conditions. These problems often manifest as symptoms that include the frequent urge to urinate, blood in urine or semen, and niggling pain when ejaculating or urinating. But what is the main cause of prostate problems?

root cause of prostate problems

Prostate problems can include prostatitis, prostate cancer, and benign prostate hyperplasia. However, it may mean virtually anything that causes inflammation and enlargement of the prostate.

The main cause of prostate problems isn’t well-defined, but experts believe that risk factors, including age, toxins, and a poor diet, among others, can be the leading causes of prostate problems.

Read on to understand the cause of prostate problems that you should know about.

What are some Common Prostate Problems

Prostate problems are any conditions that compromise normal prostate functioning and often cause discomfort in men. Primarily, they affect the urinary system and cause other urinary issues.

Besides, prostate problems can jeopardize sexual performance and hormone development and eventually lead to erectile dysfunction. Nevertheless, not prostate problems can be severe to culminate in more severe problems but may be manageable.[

How easily you can manage your prostate problem depends on the cause and reason for your adversity. Some prostate problems only nag you without further complications, while others may require more profound medical intervention quickly. But first, we need to understand the types of erectile dysfunction for better insight.

Types of Prostate Problems

While numerous prostate problems exist, the most typical and common ones include the following.

  • Prostatitis

Prostatitis is a prostate inflammation that occurs due to a bacterial infection. It often leads to an enlarged and painful prostate, making it harder to urinate or reducing semen production comfortably. Moreover, it leads to pain in the groin, genitals, and pelvic area. The condition has varied levels that define its severity, and standard prostatitis isn’t always compromising.

Acute prostatitis can be more severe and needs immediate medical attention and treatment than asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. In such instances, bacterial attacks could mean a less functional prostate that might visibly show symptoms.

  • Benign Prostate Hyperplasia

These prostate problems come with age; people in their 50s are usually the most affected. The condition isn’t usually severe as patients recover quickly with treatment, and prostate enlargement goes back to normal. Medical experts have established that this condition results from the hormonal changes that occur due to age, causing the prostate to enlarge.

While BPH may lead to pain, it’s not always chronic or concerning. However, please remember that BPH can indicate an underlying health issue that may need your immediate attention.

  • Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer often has no defined cause and has left trying to prove what they think could be the cause. It’s a common prostate problem affecting most men globally and can be severe if you fail to treat it quickly. While it may manifest in all other typical urinary issues, you’ll mainly identify it through blood in urine or semen and stabbing pain in the groin.

What is the root cause of prostate problems?

We’ve learned that prostate problems are any conditions that compromise the prostate, including BHP, prostatitis, and prostate cancer. While some have an established cause, scientists believe prostate cancer only occurs due to a few predisposing factors. Here are the general causes of prostate problems you should know about. Read: Typical Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate

  • Obesity

Obesity causes an increase in weight and body size, leading to intra-abdominal pressure. Typically, that increases the intravesical pressure, which affects the prostate.

BHP is the typical condition related to this cause since often; this pressure isn’t severe enough to cause any complications. However, you may feel uncomfortable due to painful stabbing when urinating. Read: Does Exercise Help Reduce Enlarge Prostate?

  • Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol can impede the prostate muscles’ ability to relax. That can irritate the bladder and cause nagging pain. Moreover, alcohol may exacerbate an existing prostate problem, making you less comfortable urinating.

One study closely links alcohol to chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome based on a mouse model. However, the impact is more about alcohol aggravating the severity of prostatic inflammation by activating the NLRP3 inflammasome.

Reducing alcohol intake can, however, help you register improvement in your prostate problem. The impact alcohol may have may not be so severe, often leading to less undermining of BPH. In some cases, it could nag you and interfere with your activities.

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually transmitted infections can cause prostatitis. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are the most known causes of bacterial infections in the prostate. They become even worse when you fail to procure timely treatment, which can be incredibly compromising and may cause cancer, but it’s still not verifiable that they can cause prostate cancer.

Cancer Research UK, one of the iconic cancer institutions, claims that it can be misinformed to include prostate cancer in the list since no sufficient evidence can show that yet.   Also Read: Can Enlarged Prostate lead to erectile dysfunction?

  • Chemical Exposure

Exposure to chemicals and toxins can also lead to prostate problems. Drinking hard water, for instance, accumulates toxins on your prostate and can lead to possible problems, including inflammation from BHP. Substances from prostate cleansing medications may not help either and include vinyl chloride, benzene, ethyl chloride, and arsenic. Some of these substances existing chemically grown foods, and people take them without knowing.

  • Vasectomy and Urinary Catheter Surgeries

Vasectomy and urinary catheter insertions disrupt the familiar environment within the prostatic cavity. Sometimes, these practices poke the prostate and cause problems that can be compromised. However, the risk of developing prostate problems due to possible disruptions reduces if a qualified medical expert performs them.

You may have to undergo these practices, which may primarily be necessary. However, ensure they’re done correctly and won’t harm your prostate.

  • Genetic Factors

Experts believe that genetics play a significant part in causing prostate problems, especially cancer. One study claims that a tiny percentage of prostate cancers are hereditary and passed on through the generations. Some cancer may occur early in life, while others are only sporadic. However, it’s beyond doubt that genetics play a significant part since a family member having prostate cancer can pass it to the later generations.

However, it’s unclear if families can pass on other prostate problems, including prostatitis and BPH, down the generations. That’s because these conditions are situational and have other actual causes than being carried on in genes. More studies are underway to ascertain the possibility of prostate cancer being hereditary. Regardless, scientists have proven beyond doubt that prostate cancer can be hereditary.

  • Race and Ethnicity

Not so much has come to light about the possibility of race playing a part in predisposing men to all prostate problems. However, it’s clear that race plays a part, and dark-colored men are more vulnerable to prostate cancer. One 2018 study investigating the possibility of race and ethnicity playing a part in the overall predisposition to the prostate problem proved that it’s, indeed, true.


Prostate problems broadly encompass prostatitis, benign prostate hyperplasia, and prostate cancer. These conditions often inflame the prostate and cause nagging pain that varies depending on the severity. While a few prostate problem causes have come to light, scientists are still burning the midnight oil to figure out more causes and clear the doubt. However, it’s fair to say that the research has been sufficient to establish prostate problems’ causes.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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