When Should Someone Worry About an Enlarged Prostate?

Identifying The Warning Signs| Common Reasons Of Enlarged Prostate| Risk factor| When Should you Worry?|

Most men fail to consider the ramifications of staying numb on possible prostate problems, assuming things will magically return to normal. However, a point comes when it’s way too late. But before then, when should someone worry about an enlarged prostate?

is enlarged prostate serious

Men should worry about an enlarged prostate if the pain goes beyond the ordinary such that urination becomes uncomfortable. Moreover, fevers going beyond 38 degrees Celsius, body aches, and chills should concern you. Any possibility of bone pain or indications of blood in the urine should worry you enough to schedule an appointment with your health provider.

This article looks into when you need to be more concerned about an enlarged prostate and what to do about it.

is prostate enlargement serious – Identifying the Symptoms?

An enlarged prostate isn’t always an indication of trouble or anything complicated. This enlargement can result from a possible problem, including prostatitis, BPH, and prostate cancer. Below are some symptoms you should be keen on to keep you concerned about an enlarged prostate.

  • Pain and Pressure Around the Groin and Genitals

Pain and pressure around the genitals could indicate an enlarging prostate. This pain may start gradually but develop into sharp stabs that can feel uncomfortable and unbearable daily.

That means the prostate is increasingly growing and becoming more significant, pressing against the bladder and making it less functional. Also read: What Is The Root Cause Of Prostate Problems?

  • Painful Urination and Ejaculation

Typically, you shouldn’t feel any sharp pain when urinating or ejaculating. However, some men experience pain instead of pleasure during their orgasms, which can be worrying. Most people dismiss this sensation as only being a bad day in the office, often forgetting that it’s their prostates crying for help.

  • A Weak Urine Flow

A weakened urine flow indicates that your prostate is becoming less potent and is affected by conditions, including prostatitis and BPH. Your urine may not sprout with the pressure it had before; usually, the weak flow may be accompanied by unsettling pain. If that’s so, it’s possible that your prostate is enlarging or has already done so.

  • Urinary Incontinence

Your inability to hold urine and pour it out in the bathroom may become compromised, so that you may do that pretty much anywhere. This condition is called urinary incontinence and involves urine coming out involuntarily when you sneeze or cough. You may not feel pain as that happens, but you’re to be embarrassed by it.

  • The Frequent Urge to Pee

While you may not feel like your bladder is complete, the burning desire to always go to the bathroom can be overwhelming. While in the bathroom, you may struggle to pee but fail with only a few drops coming out. That’s one of the telltale signs that your prostate is enlarged or is enlarging.

Why Is Your Prostate Enlarging?

Your prostate may enlarge due to various reasons and sometimes it goes back to normal. Often, prostate problems like prostatitis and prostate cancer are the reasons this gland may increase in size and grow relatively big. However, this condition may occur due to several reasons that, include:

  • Chemicals and Toxins

The foods and water you drink may contain chemicals that can harm your prostate. Unfortunately, knowing that isn’t easy until it’s too late to reconsider what you consume. Prolonged exposure to toxins like benzene, toluene, and styrene can cause prostate cancer.

Moreover, chemicals, including arsenic, trichloroethylene, and benzene, can cause prostate enlargement. It’s, therefore, prudent to check what you eat and drink to always be on the safe side. Also read: Symptoms of Prostate Problem: What To Look For?

  • Change of Diet

Some diets hardly support proper prostrate health and can lead to possible complications, including prostate enlargement—men who eat more red meat and foods containing a high protein percentage. However, not all forms of protein can be destructive for the prostate since leaner forms, including fish meat, are more recommended.

Other Prostate Enlargement Risk Factors Include:

Medications – Some medications are used for treating depression, and some diuretics lead to prostate inflammation. They may contain compounds that can cause possible prostate enlargement, although their creators mean no harm.  

Surgical Treatments – Surgery used to remedy prostate problems can be highly intrusive and poke the prostate. Any injuries to the prostate, significant or negligible, can cause prostate inflammation and enlargement.

When Should You Be Worried About an Enlarging Prostate 

You’ll know you need help when you feel any of the symptoms above nag you and steal away your peace of mind. Sometimes, these symptoms can persist and be so bothersome that you fail to continue your daily routine as you should. If it becomes that intrusive, it should start worrying you and seek medical help, you can also search for prostate supplement that may help and one of the best currently available is Prostadine.

Here are the indications that should keep you worried about your inflamed prostate.

  • Blood in Urine or Semen

Blood in the urine isn’t always a good sign, as you’re more likely to be staring at a more unsettling condition, prostate cancer. Remember, your semen or urine should maintain its typical tinges and never shift to the red extreme. Noticing blood in semen is relatively easier than seeing it in urine. However, please be keen and peep through whenever you get the chance.

  • Fever

A fever almost reaching 38 degrees Celsius isn’t normal, especially if it pairs with pressure and pain in your groin. It indicates a more severe complication that requires immediate attention before it’s too late. A visit to your health provider should offer a more precise picture of your situation.

  • Sustained Pain and Stiffness in Your Lower Back, Ribs, Hips, And Upper Thighs

Sustained hip and lower back pressure and pain may indicate a much more severe complication than prostate enlargement. However, this pain and pressure gradually develop and culminate in nagging levels in the long haul.

This type and degree of pain can indicate a possible prostate cancer issue that needs immediate treatment in its early stages. Delaying with treating it might lead to more complications and, possibly, resistance to treatment.

  • Bone Pain

It’s not always typical to feel like your bones are aching out of the blue. More convincingly, the pain may build up on a discomfort you may be feeling around your groin and genitals. In such a case, there is a significant chance that you’re facing a much more serious prostate issue, and it’s a no-brainer that your prostate has inflamed.

  • Unexplained Weight Loss

It should worry you if you’ve been experiencing pressure on your groin and around the prostate and suddenly lose weight without reason. It’s okay to have an inflamed prostate without the possibility of losing weight or, you should at least be able to explain if you suddenly dropped some pounds deliberately.

Most people use this sign to indicate a more severe health issue, including prostate cancer. Early treatment should help you regain your health, so please don’t sit on it without seeking medical help.

  • Erectile Dysfunction

ED (Erectile Dysfunction) that pairs with prostate pain and pressure isn’t always a good sign and could mean you’re on the verge of getting prostate cancer. It’s always good to seek immediate medical attention if you lose your potency without a viable explanation for a cross-examination that rules out the possibility.


Sometimes, the little clues you get about your health can make you more proactive with treatment and get you out of impending trouble. As such, some prostate enlargement signs can be worrying and indicate a possible issue that needs immediate medical attention. That should help you avoid future complications that can be challenging.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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