Do You Lose Weight after Liposuction: How Much Can You Lose?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes excess fat under your skin by suction. You might be torn between picking or dropping this procedure if you’ve struggled to lose weight. But do you lose weight after liposuction and How much can you really lose?

woman doing liposuction for weight loss

The trusted Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the maximum fat removal of 11 pounds for liposuction procedures, and you can lose the equivalent. However, you can still gain this weight afterward since the process doesn’t usually guarantee significant and permanent weight loss results.

If you’re contemplating undergoing liposuction primarily for losing weight, this article will provide the guidance you need.

The Truth about Liposuction for Weight Loss

Liposuction became a cosmetic practice in the early ’70s after Dr. Giorgio Fischer, an Italian gynecologist, developed it. Later, it became more modernized after dermatologist Dr. Jeffrey Klein engineered tumescent liposuction in the late ’80s, a more efficient alternate version.

Since then, liposuction has become widely sought-after. According to reports, surgeons performed over 491,000 liposuction procedures in 2021 alone in the United States.

Liposuction has become common practice, but it’s not always the magic pill to weight loss. The truth is that it squeezes out the fat from localized areas undergoing the treatment.

However, it doesn’t usually remove all fat cells responsible for forming fat around your pain points. So, if you want to rely on this procedure for losing weight, it’d be best to understand that it may not be a viable solution.

What’s Liposuction’s Primary Function?

Liposuction removes excess fat deposits from localized body areas, including the buttocks, thighs, hips, back, neck, arms, and chins. The procedure reshapes and contours the body, targeting and removing stubborn fat.

People opt for this treatment to contour their bodies and remove stubborn fat from areas that hardly respond to diet and exercise. The procedure can be costly, and most public figures, including celebrities, choose it as a go-to option. Also read: Do chiropractic adjustments help with weight loss?

It’s best to note that this cosmetic procedure doesn’t usually guarantee weight loss results. However, you can lose weight as it marginally reduces your fat cells.

The FDA doesn’t recommend using this procedure as a go-to weight loss procedure for various safety concerns, including lidocaine toxicity and infections, mainly when unqualified surgeons perform it. However, you can trust board-certified professionals if you primarily want it for aesthetic purposes.

How much weight do you lose after liposuction?

You can lose up to 11 pounds by undergoing liposuction, which the FDA approves. However, the recommended average can be about 5 to 10 pounds for the entire process.

However, the goals for this procedure aren’t always about losing weight, and the FDA doesn’t recommend it. If you plan on losing weight, opt for other safe weight-loss practices like exercising and making lifestyle changes, including dieting.

Remember, liposuction procedures vary in intensity and depth; some may only remove a few pounds, perhaps two or three. Such procedures target localized fat on specific body parts, including the chins and arms. It’s best to communicate with your practitioner about how you want this procedure done and the amount of fat you’d like to lose.

Are Liposuction Weight Loss Results Usually Permanent?

While liposuction permanently removes fat cells, you should note that the results may not be permanent. The procedure obliterates fat cells, removing them permanently. Also read here: How Much Weight Can You Lose With Gastric Bypass Surgery?

However, it doesn’t usually destroy every fat cell in your targeted area, accounting for a significant fat percentage around your treatment area. The body replaces fat cells through the bone marrow after their obliteration and can get you back to square one.

Fat can return after your liposuction procedure. However, maintaining your post-lipo weight can keep it away. While you can still regain weight after the process, your liposuction results may not show as they did, as fat cells typically increase in size and mask your obtained body shape.

Is Liposuction a Safe Weight Loss Procedure?

Liposuction may not be a safe weight loss procedure. While it can remove localized areas of excess fat, it may not be a solution for overall weight reduction. Ideally, individuals already at or near their target weight and have stable body mass index (BMI) can use liposuction to round up their weight loss process.

Therefore, liposuction doesn’t address the underlying causes of weight gain or obesity, such as poor diet or lack of exercise. Adopting a healthy lifestyle that encompasses a balanced diet and regular physical activity can be ideal to achieve sustainable weight loss. Read: The Benefits Of Taking Shower On A Tub: Does It Help You Lose Weight?

What’s the Risk of Liposuction for Weight Loss?

Liposuction carries certain risks and considerations when using it solely for weight loss[1]. Liposuction is primarily a body contouring procedure rather than a weight loss method. Here are some risks associated with liposuction for weight loss:

  • Surgical risks

Liposuction, as a surgical procedure, involves incisions and the use of anesthesia. Like any surgical procedure, it carries risks such as infection, bleeding, adverse anesthesia reactions, blood clots, and poor wound healing. However, this procedure is always safe when a qualified professional undertakes it.

  • Uneven contours or irregularities

Liposuction aims to create a more sculpted appearance by removing fat deposits. However, there’s a risk of uneven fat removal, resulting in irregular contours or symmetry issues in the treated areas. That can lead to an unnatural or disproportionate appearance. Read: How Much weight Can You Lose From Cryotherapy: Is It Effective?

  • Limited impact on overall weight

Liposuction is not a solution for significant weight loss. It targets localized areas of fat and can remove a certain amount of fat cells from those areas. However, the overall impact on body weight may be modest since the procedure is not designed to address larger-scale weight loss needs.

  • Skin laxity

Liposuction removes fat from beneath the skin. In cases where the skin has poor elasticity, it may not appropriately retract after fat removal, resulting in loose or sagging skin. You may have to undergo other additional procedures to address this issue.

  • Emotional considerations

It’s essential to consider the psychological impact of undergoing liposuction for weight loss. Unrealistic expectations or dissatisfaction due to the liposuction results can lead to emotional distress or body image concerns. Proper counseling and understanding of the limitations of the procedure are crucial.

What Safety Precautions Should You Take When Using Liposuction for Weight Loss?

While liposuction may not be a reliable weight loss procedure, it can help fine-tune your weight loss goals by targeting all areas that resist conventional weight loss processes. Below are the safety considerations when undergoing liposuction for weight loss:

Have realistic expectations – Understand the limitations of liposuction as a weight loss method. Liposuction is most effective for body contouring and removing localized fat deposits. It is not a substitute for overall weight loss. Have realistic expectations about the outcome and discuss them with your surgeon.

  • Undergo a health assessment

Prioritize your overall health before undergoing liposuction. Ensure that you are at a stable weight and in good general health. Disclose your complete medical history to the surgeon, including any pre-existing medical conditions or medications.

  • Choose an accredited facility

Ensure that your practitioner performs this procedure in an accredited surgical facility or hospital. Accredited facilities adhere to safety standards and regulations, reducing the risk of complications.

Anesthesia considerations – Discuss the type of anesthesia to be used during the procedure with your surgeon. Understand the associated risks and ensure that a qualified anesthesiologist will administer and monitor the anesthesia throughout the process.

  • Surgeon’s expertise

Verify the surgeon’s experience and knowledge in performing liposuction procedures. Ask about their training, qualifications, and the number of similar operations they’ve completed. A skilled and experienced surgeon can minimize risks and ensure better outcomes.

Post-operative care – Follow the post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon carefully. That may include wearing compression garments, taking prescribed medications, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending follow-up appointments. Proper post-operative care is crucial for optimal healing and minimizing risks.


Losing weight isn’t always easy, and it’s typical to wonder whether surgical procedures like liposuction can offer guaranteed results. Liposuction, a procedure intrusively removes fat cells, can sculpt your body to your desired shape. However, it’s unreliable for weight loss, but you can use it when you’re closer to reaching your weight goals after doing it healthily—through exercising and dieting, among other methods. While you can lose between 10 and 11 pounds of body weight using liposuction, the results aren’t always permanent.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Vanessa Roberts
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