What Causes Erectile Dysfunction: 9 Possible Reasons For weak Erection

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get an erection robust enough for sex. It affects a vast majority of men over forty, which is quite alarming. However, this condition doesn’t always come out of the blue, but What causes erectile dysfunction or weak erection?

what causes weak erection in man

Erectile dysfunction occurs mainly as an aftermath of health issues impacting the general body’s functioning. That includes diabetes, health and blood conditions, and lowered testosterone. It also occurs due to sedentary lifestyles, age, and lousy habits like smoking and other medications.

One of the best ways to treat erectile dysfunction is to use prescribed medication; however, over the past few months, a new trending ED supplement called Red Boost has been proven to help many users. This article delves into the causes of erectile dysfunction to help you understand this condition better.

What causes a man not to erect Or Have Weak Erection: 9 Possible Reasons

The following are some possible reason that causes weak erection in a man

  • Age

The erectile dysfunction prevalence isn’t so much in young men. However, cases usually increase with age, and men over thirty and forty deal with this issue. One multi-center worldwide study showed that 11% of men aged between 30 and 39 years have severe erectile dysfunction[1].

Besides, another study also showed that severity of numbers increases, with 52% of men between 40 and 70 years having mild to moderate erectile dysfunction[2]. These numbers are alarming, but most cases have underlying causes, including lifestyle changes and health issues.

  • Diabetes

Diabetes is a modern-world health issue affecting many people of all ages globally. Yet, it’s among the leading causes of erectile dysfunction among men. Diabetes causes erectile dysfunction since it can deter the blood supply to the penis region and damage the nerves controlling an erection.

An observational study suggests that the prevalence of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes ranges between 35% and 75%. Moreover, the study expands further, citing that men having diabetes have erectile dysfunction occurring ten to fifteen years earlier than their healthier counterparts. Also, read our article on What is the fastest way to cure erectile dysfunction.

  • Smoking

Smoking has become a prevalent cause of erectile dysfunction and can affect men as young as 20. But what’s sad is that even non-smokers can have issues with their erections when exposed to cigarette smoke as passive smokers. Although the chances are minimal, as one study shows, it’s still considerable for people unaware that it impacts their sex lives.

Tobacco can damage the circulatory system, making it hard for blood to reach the penis and facilitate an erection. Over time, tobacco narrows the blood vessels, resulting in restricted blood flow and fewer firm erections. Although quitting smoking helps reverse this situation, it often takes time.

  • Performance anxiety and mental health issues

The brain plays a significant role in getting firmer erections and overall sex performance. Mental arousal significantly impacts sex that physically, which says a lot about where the state of mind needs to be. Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety can diminish the urge to engage in sex.

Contrary to popular belief, the brain isn’t the primary sex organ but is essential to leading a vibrant sex life. Erectile dysfunction usually occurs when your brain can hardly process the heat of the moment due to disruptive neuropathways. That includes performance anxiety and other mental health issues. Read our article on How to prevent erectile dysfunction

  • Heart and blood conditions

The heart is indisputable in enabling erections since it pumps blood to this far body region. Heart disease impacts the heart’s strength, rendering it ineffective in pumping blood to the penis’s smooth muscle. High blood cholesterol and pressure also cause erectile dysfunction since they impact seamless blood flow.

For the most part, erectile dysfunction can signify an impending heart condition. Doctors use this condition to determine the heart disease’s imminence, and tests have returned positive, indicating that people with erectile dysfunction have heart issues.

  • Lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyles have become a nuisance and a deterrent to better bed performance. Men becoming less active and staying passive for the better part of the day is a significant cause of erectile dysfunction. Although most men wouldn’t notice it, it’s a viable reason that they only choose to ignore.

One 2016 study established that sedentary lifestyles, including men being less active, smoking cessation, and consuming unhealthy food, are the reasons they have to deal with erectile dysfunction. It hasn’t come to light whether or not erectile dysfunction resulting from sedentary lifestyles is long-term, but a drastic can turn the situation around.

  • Prostrate inflammation and cancer

Prostate inflammation and cancer are direct causes of erectile dysfunction. They interfere with ejaculation, making it more painful than pleasurable, and may disrupt sexual pleasure. All these factors add up to erectile dysfunction and can be challenging to deal with. a journal by the Harvard university suggests seeing a doctor is the ultimate option to determine this cause.

Notably, men find it unsettling talking about this situation with others, but it’s the thin between enjoying a vibrant sex life and suppressed, unenjoyable sexual performance in bed. The good thing is that specialized prostate doctors can help further progression and help with therapy to restore your sexual performance.  

  • Lowered testosterone

Not all men with low testosterone levels have erectile dysfunction. Testosterone isn’t directly related to erectile dysfunction, but its low levels result in other significant conditions leading to erectile dysfunction. Low testosterone levels in men lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

It also causes low libido and the diminished urge to engage in sex, hence physically impacting how men’s sexual organs work. While libido-improving supplements can help, improving your diet, getting plenty of sleep, and doing cardio exercises can help. Read our article: Does Erectile Dysfunction Go Away On Its Own

  • Sexually transmitted infections

Certain sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and viral hepatitis, have been linked with erectile dysfunction. They affect how the prostate works, which generally impacts sexual pleasure and the urge to engage in sex. However, catching the signs and promptly treating these infections can help prevent further damage, which offers hope for restoring men’s sexual performance.


Erectile dysfunction is prevalent among men who want to be stallions in bed and give their partners a reason to smile. The good news is that, with everything done right, improving this condition is manageable. Men having erectile dysfunction can have their doctors closer for more private treatment if they feel embarrassed about this entire issue. Treatment is usually available at a hand stretch, but taking medically verified supplements can offer a reprieve. However, that should come after doctors’ advice on the best to take.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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