6 Crucial Signs That Tinnitus is Going Away: What to Look For

At some point in our short lives, we all experience it. A ringing, hissing, wheezing, or ticking noise within the ears is not produced externally. The described sounds result from an annoying condition typically known as tinnitus.

signs your tinnitus is going away

While most people think tinnitus is a stand-alone condition, studies have revealed that it also results from other illnesses, stress, smoking and drinking, and high blood pressure. It is not a disease but rather a symptom of another disorder.

Consequently, this shows that you might be unable to tell the signs your tinnitus is going away, the exact amount of time your tinnitus will endure, or whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

However, if you had recently visited your audiologist and they prescribed some medication for you, you would probably want to know if your tinnitus has gone away after a while.

Below are six crucial tips that will guide you towards predicting whether your tinnitus is going away.

6 Important signs your tinnitus is going away

  • It Occurs Less Often and For Shorter Periods 

Time is of great importance when it comes to determining whether your tinnitus is going away or not. Technically speaking, if the tinnitus is persistent and lasts for hours, it means that chances are it will not end soon. Also, read this article on how to cure tinnitus naturally.

However, if a short tinnitus outburst lasts only seconds to minutes, this might indicate that the condition is going away.

Unfortunately, if the condition goes on for months, it might be a sign that it is here to stay, and if not handled on time, it might be permanent. However, this depends on the underlying cause.

Please pay close attention to how long it takes to experience a single outburst. If the outbursts are short, then your tinnitus is going away. If your tinnitus is not going away, you can try hearing aid supplements such as Sonvive; Sonovive customer reviews Prove it is one of the most trusted hearing aids.

  • You Feel Less Bothered By It

You can also determine if your tinnitus is going away by paying close attention to the ringing in your ears. In this case, you need to take into account two things.

The first thing to consider is who else, aside from you, can hear the ringing and the hissing. When the condition is chronic, surrounding people also tend to hear the sound produced. Ask your friend to pay close attention and listen.

It would be best if you also visited a hearing health specialist who will listen using a special machine. If your friend and the specialist don’t hear the sound produced, this might signal that the condition is slowly fading away.

Furthermore, if the sounds used to be louder in your head but slowly fade away, and you are less bothered by them, it is a sign that the problem is slowly ending. Also read: What causes Tinnitus In The Ears?

  • Loud Noises Seems Softer or Less Perceivable

Loud sound is one of the significant causes of tinnitus, mainly because it harms some of the sensory cells inside the ear. Spending a significant amount of time in boisterous places is one way someone can get tinnitus.

For example, suppose you are seated next to a plane engine that produces too much noise throughout the journey. In that case, you are exposed to an uncomfortable situation that will probably destroy your eardrums.

Suppose you’ve been having difficulty spending time in areas with loud music or noises, but now, all of a sudden, the noises seem softer or less perceivable. In that case, chances are you are getting better, and it’s a sign that your tinnitus might disappear. 

If you have visited a noisy area that you believe might have previously affected you but seem to be doing fine hanging around, then you must be in luck as it shows that you are slowly healing.

However, as much as this might excite you, ensure that you at least wear some earbuds when visiting the extremely noisy area to prevent your tinnitus from becoming chronic. Furthermore, if you constantly expose yourself to noisy environments, you might end up suffering from ear damage.

  • You Feel Less Bothered By It

Whether you are diagnosed with temporary or permanent tinnitus, you will realize that the condition tends to improve with time. However, if yours is a permanent condition, you might need to seek treatment to find methods that will at least alleviate the internal noise produced. Fortunately, most people diagnosed with permanent tinnitus get used to the noise with time. 

Whether the situation is permanent or temporary, the fact that you are finally unbothered or used to the sounds might signal that the condition is finally going away, primarily if it used to be louder and difficult to ignore.


  • You Can Sleep, Relax, and Concentrate Without Your Tinnitus Interfering

The buzzing noise that is constantly produced by the majority of people’s ears forces them to spend most of their nights awake and unable to concentrate during the day.

However, if you’re finally experiencing a better night’s sleep and silent days at work, your condition is likely improving, and the tinnitus is disappearing.

  • You Have Better Tinnus Days as Compared To Bad Tinnitus Days

Tinnitus affects people differently; some people hear wooshing sounds. However, the condition significantly affects the patient’s way of life by making them more tired. Some experience memory problems, headaches, and problems with work and family life, while others have trouble concentrating.

However, such a person can tell if the condition is going away, especially when they start experiencing fewer tinnitus days compared to days when the condition is more prominent.


Tinnitus will last, depending on whether the condition is temporary or permanent. You cannot accurately estimate how much your tinnitus will be noticeable or bothersome. It might take you days, weeks, or even months to determine whether the condition is going away.

However, there are various things that you might focus on to tell whether the condition is going away accurately. For example, if you notice that nowadays you barely notice your tinnitus, chances are it is probably going away.

If you are experiencing tinnitus, it is highly recommended that you seek the assistance of an ENT specialist, mainly because the condition might not go away on its own. You might need to seek treatment that will help you become less aware of the condition, especially while you are sleeping or trying to concentrate on your studies or in the office.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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