Is Whooshing Sound In Ear Dangerous: Surprising Things you Should Know

The condition where you hear whooshing sounds in your ear rather than the outside is known as Tinnitus. The most common sounds are buzzing, humming, grinding, hissing, or whistling. Some people hear sounds similar to music or singing.

sounds in the ear

The sound may appear in one or both ears. It ranges from high to low and can happen in a single tone with a noise-like or no tonal quality. This condition is known as pulsatile Tinnitus. 

Pulsatile Tinnitus happens in rhythmical impulses with a noise beating at the same rate as the heart. It may feel like the sound of circulating blood in the body. so, Is Whooshing Sound In Ear Dangerous?

The whooshing sound results in the ear being aware of the change in blood flow in neighboring blood vessels. Neighboring vessels include arteries, veins in the neck, the ear itself, and, most prevalent, within the ear. 

What is whooshing in the ear?

The wooshing sound in the ear might be a sign of tinnitus. Any abnormal change in your body demands a doctor’s attention. When the wooshing sound appears in your head and ears, related symptoms may be things like unexplained body changes, balance troubles, and you may have trouble in sight. Other problems include difficulty in walking if nothing is done. 

Is whooshing sound in ear blood pressure?

Sometimes a person with high blood pressure may experience a wooshing sound because of the blood that runs to the carotid artery. It is always good to seek a healthcare professional advice to help with the diagnosis. Read our guide on How To Treat Whooshing Sound In Ear

Causes of Tinnitus 

Once the ear becomes aware of blood flow in blood vessels like arteries and veins, the result is a whooshing sound. These are the causes of tinnitus or this condition. 

  • Increased blood flow

When the flow of blood increases, there is more noise, which the ear may become aware of. Such effects appear during strenuous exercises or times of pregnancy. Other conditions include severe anemia or cases of the overactive thyroid gland that finally cause increased flood flow. 

  • Localized increased flow

At times, the flow of blood increases in a particular group of vessels. People with tumors in the head and neck area may have an abnormal flow of blood on specific blood vessels, which leads to pulsatile Tinnitus. Benign is the majority of tumors. Nonetheless, they are not cancerous. 

  • Heightened awareness

Ear injury or any disorder in the ear could lead to this condition. If you suffer from this condition, you may experience hearing loss due to perforated eardrums or secretory otitis media. Patients with this condition become aware of sounds in their bodies, especially around the ears.

The heightened sensitivity in their auditory pathways becomes a common condition. This means your brain becomes alert to normal noises in the blood that it would generally assume. 

  • Intracranial hypertension

Benign or idiopathic intracranial hypertension is a condition that causes Tinnitus among many people. Patients with this condition may also experience severe headaches and develop sight problems. You can also check this on How to get rid of tinnitus naturally?

  • Atherosclerosis

At times, your arteries may harden and cause an uneven blood flow. Naturally, blood flow causes a lot of noise, but the ear works by ignoring international noises and concentrating on what happens outside the body. When arteries block blood flow, there is more noise, especially in arteries and veins close to the ear. 

  • SWAA

This is a condition also known as Sinus wall abnormalities. The sinus wall is a channel on the side of the brain that receives blood flowing within the brain. The increased flow of blood on this channel normally leads to noise on this channel. As a result, a whooshing sound follows. 

Head trauma. More than half of patients suffering from traumatic head injuries develop Tinnitus. Some people are not aware of it until it happens. Therefore, it is not safe to ignore this condition. 

The Diagnostic of Tinnitus or the Wooshing Sound

A medical professional diagnoses tinnitus. First, a doctor will ask questions about how you feel and want to know whether the sound is continuous. They will want to know whether it affects both or just one ear. A doctor will also assess Tinnitus’s impact on your life to understand the severe condition.

Further, the professionals also check whether you are taking any hearing loss medications, which act as a side effect. A physician will examine the inside and outside of the ear while checking for further problems, which may be easy to treat. Additional tests to check this condition include an MRI or ultrasound scan, which measures the pressure in your head and checks the functionality of your blood vessels. 

Regardless of pulsatile Tinnitus, the medics try to figure out whether it is occurring simultaneously with your heartbeat. They also test your hearing abilities through physical tests known as tympanometry.

This measures the pulsing in your ears, ensuring it aligns with the pulse to provide the proper treatment. However, imaging tests may be required to let the provider see what is in your head. 

  • Treatment

A whooshing sound in the ear may be dangerous. It may be a symptom of a tumor or other underlying conditions, some of which are fatal conditions. Nonetheless, you should not take these conditions lightly. Some medications help manage or end the condition. Some interventions that medics use to manage the condition include;

  • Sound generators

These devices produce and deliver sound to your ears; they produce soothing sounds that make a showing effect, like rain. Doctors may also recommend the use of hearing aids that have sound generators. 

  • Environmentally enrichment devices

Other patients are creative in managing this condition. You may use tabletop devices that generate swooshing effects in the background. Such sounds are in music records, from smartphones and tablets, among sounds of other nature. These may make Tinnitus less noticeable. 

  • Relaxation techniques

Stressed people experience a whooshing sound in their ears. This is not a dangerous condition at this point. You need to relax and do some exercises to avoid frustration from the constant heartbeat sound. More exercise may help you deal with life frustrations and open up your blood vessels for a smooth blood flow. You can look for these signs to find out if your tinnitus is going away.

Final Thoughts

It is not possible to prevent the wooshing sounds or Tinnitus. This is because the underlying cause is a change in your blood flow, which is not something in your capacity to control. Nonetheless, please do not ignore this condition; it can be dangerous. Visit a doctor near you and get professional help. 

Further, Tinnitus is a rare issue affecting your overall quality of life. The condition may cause distracted sleep, keeping you awake when you want to sleep. Tinnitus is like a real-time soundtrack, tracking blood flow to and from your heart. Talk to your health care provider whenever you notice noise in your nose.  

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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