How Long Does It Take To Lose 50 Pounds: Important Details

If you are really serious to lose 50 pounds, it can take an average of 5 to 6 months of hard work to start seeing results. We understand that losing weight can be a frustrating and hard way, most probably when someone is not seeing positive results.

how long it takes to lose 50 lbs

However, patience and consistency are the keys. You may try the scientifically proven tips like below to see if they can work and help you shed off excess weight from your body.

How quickly can you lose 50 pounds?

The safest way to lose 50 pounds is in the 6 to 8 months range. You will need to lose a minimum of 2.5 pounds a week in order to meet that goal.

Losing weight has become an obsession here in the United States and this is because obesity is rising faster and it has a negative impact on our lifestyle such as being exposed to risk diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.

However, most of us want to naturally lose weight painlessly and quickly but losing 50 pounds needs your determination, time, and effort. In today’s article, I did fact and detailed research to educate you on how long may it take to lose 50 pounds. You will understand if it’s possible or how can you make it possible.

How long will it take to lose 50 pounds?

Generally, it can take at least 6 months for healthy individuals to lose 50 pounds or more safely. This will depend on some factors, but the most important depends on your bigger plans, new resolutions, and strategies towards accomplishing your weight loss goals. Remember, losing weight is a journey and not an easy one if you are not ready.

Thus, you should focus on making changes in your lifestyle, which may aid you in shedding those targeted and unwanted lbs in your body. This will eventually help you maintain healthy body weight by losing weight safely and naturally.

In this case, you should be concerned that losing too much weight and at a quicker rate may not be sustainable and safer based on the scientist. Also, keep in your mind that we are created differently. Meaning we might follow a specific weight routine but have different rates of losing weight based on our gender, genetics, age, body metabolism, among other related factors.

In most cases and for many people, weight loss ranging from three and two pounds in a week represents a sustainable and healthy approach towards bringing 50 pounds down. So to make this achievable, you should be able to cut down about 3,500 calories right from your diet for one pound down and cut 1,000 calories every day.

Also, be ready that once you start your weight loss journey, you should move to very lower-calorie rates, readjust your energy requirements and be consistent.[ Also read: How Long Does It To Lose 10 Pounds]

Having this information in mind, then it would be more manageable to start losing 50 pounds. The interesting thing is that experts claim that heavier people are more easily to lose excess weight faster. And this is because they got greater mass which takes more energy to eventually move around.

Therefore, biophysics tends to favor them when working out. So, below are the top ways to kickstart your weight loss journey to lose 50 pounds in the shortest time possible.

How To Lose 50 Pounds Fast?

  • Incorporate more veggies and fruits in your diet

vegetables and fruits are scientifically linked with different nutritional values and health benefits. They have low calories and got a higher amount of fiber alongside numerous minerals and vitamins. Further, they also contain a base of powerful antioxidants that may help you boost your body’s immune system towards weight loss.

Increasing your consumption of vegetables and fruits in your diet might aid in weight loss and also body weight maintenance. Some of the top veggies and fruits which can help you burn fat and lose weight may include Broccoli, asparagus, kale, apples, cucumber, pumpkin, cauliflower, tomatoes, kiwi, guava, grapefruit, etc.

  • Burn more calories

Exercise should be your friend when it comes to losing weight healthy. This is because the workout is best in burning calories and building lean muscle mass, thus increasing the metabolism alongside allowing someone to burn excess body fat.

Start moving more than you have been used to before. Also, some of the ideas of great exercises for the newbies include yoga, cycling, jogging or walking, light weight lifting, swimming, and exercising utilizing the body weight.

  • Have a smart weight loss goal setting

The first and foremost thing if you want to achieve your weight loss goals is eating healthy. Now other lifestyle changes can come in but consider starting with two or one areas which you need to first work on then master them. Further, set specific goals that you are sure you can achieve without forcing yourself or struggling.

In this case, small changes can ultimately lead to a big impact over some time. So, get rid of any unhealthy options in your lifestyle this time around. [ Also read: How To Shed Two Pounds A Week]

How to trigger more weight loss?

Below are some tested and proven methods you can try to trigger more weight loss and also increase healthy nutrition:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat less sugar now option with the added sugar
  • Drink less alcohol or even quite
  • Reduce your intake of sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Eat more protein
  • Eat less fat items such as breaded or fried meat and switch to plant oils instead
  • Reduce consumption of processed food
  • Rest, give your body a break

Give your body permission to eventually fail because we are many in this journey. Failure will help you be wiser and grow stronger.

In this case, I mean that when you have some bad week or days, please stop forcing yourself to do this. Relax, and next time, pick yourself, get back on your track. The most important thing to remember is to be determined and consistent until the end to make it perfect and fruitful.

Conclusion How Long Does It Take To Lose 50 Pounds?

Weight loss seems to be interesting and more accessible when you are ready for it. Also, believe it is possible and range on what is recommended by the experts. Overall, with the above information and tips in mind, you can shed 50 pounds, most probably in seven months, less or more, depending on how you are focused on it. Start today

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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