What Mineral Restores Teeth and Gums:4 Important Nutrients

Dentin, tooth enamel, and bone are composed of different minerals, including phosphate and calcium. Such minerals are essential as they protect the teeth against cavities and tooth decay.

minerals for teeth and gum

knowing What minerals Restore Teeth and Gums can help greatly when it comes to maintaining oral health. Minerals from our teeth gradually disappear as we get older. Consuming sugary and acidic foods can also cause a loss of minerals. Additionally, loss of minerals is also observed when germs build up in the mouth.

There is no way someone can get their enamel or bone back once it has been worn away, and the only solution that someone might be left with is replacing the entire tooth with an artificial one.

Fortunately, a diet rich in minerals and vitamins can naturally strengthen your tooth enamel. Minerals are specifically essential because they help protect your teeth against food and drinks responsible for causing acid erosion. 

You can also replenish these minerals by changing your lifestyle and using home remedies. The process is known as remineralization, which stops the demineralization process.

What Mineral Can Restore Teeth and Gums?

The following are some of the minerals that can help restore teeth and gums naturally

Several organic substances are responsible for the human body’s growth and development. You must combine macronutrients with micronutrients, including minerals and vitamins. Some numerous vitamins and minerals can benefit your teeth and gums, some of which have been highlighted below:

  • Calcium 

Chances are you’ve heard calcium supports the teeth, but you may not fully grasp why and how this happens. Crystalline calcium phosphate is produced within the body through the utilization of calcium.

Calcium’s composition makes up the abrasive tooth enamel, the outer part of the tooth that shields and protects the sensitive inner parts. Also, read our article on supplements that are good for teeth and gum. Also Read: Are Oral Protic Effective For Dental health?

Calcium is also an essential component in bone production. It gives the jawbone the strength and structural integrity it needs to house the tooth roots in its sockets. Since the enamel and jawbone are worn down over time and with continued use, the body must ensure that they are continually produced.

Failure to get enough calcium in your diet will cause the enamel to wear away quicker than it can repair itself. These make your teeth and gums more susceptible to cavities and other tooth damage. If you don’t get enough bone calcium, the sockets in your jawbone may enlarge and eventually cause your teeth to loosen.

You can get adequate calcium from cheese, yogurt, milk, and eggs. Consider taking supplements rich in calcium, especially if you have a tooth disease caused by calcium deficiency.

  • Vitamin D

Studies have shown that approximately 75% of the total world population suffers from a deficit in vitamin D. The researchers say that this is a significant concern, mainly because the vitamin is so vital for the body. One of the primary benefits of vitamin D is it helps the teeth and bones absorb calcium.

Failure to get enough vitamin D in your diet prevents your body from absorbing the necessary minerals even if you take meals rich in calcium. The explanation behind this is calcium is a fat-soluble vitamin.

The only way for it to be transported and deposited in the teeth and jawbone is if vitamin D is present. Therefore, meals rich in vitamin D are a fantastic way to keep your teeth and bones healthy.

  • Vitamin C

Not only is vitamin C good for healthy teeth, but it is also perfect for maintaining healthy gums. Vitamin C is important as it helps keep the connective tissues found in the gums strong so that they can continue supporting the teeth by holding them in place. On the other hand, a shortage of vitamin C contributes to gum disease and bleeding gums.

Taking meals rich in vitamin C is critical as it reduces erosive tooth wear, especially in its early development. Fortunately, you may take foods rich in vitamin C, especially if you love eating fruits, berries, broccoli, kale, and pepper. Vitamin C is also easily accessible through supplements.

  • Magnesium

Magnesium is yet another mineral that is excellent for someone’s overall health. It is an essential component for the development of healthy bones and teeth. It functions similarly to vitamin D by facilitating the body’s absorption of calcium, which is responsible for developing healthy teeth and bones.

You can easily find magnesium in various foods, including almonds, white grain, beans, and dark leafy vegetables.

  • Phosphorus 

Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in our bodies after calcium is considered more prevalent. Phosphorus is a significant energy source, but its primary role is to produce healthy teeth and bones. It can be accessed in natural meals, especially those rich in proteins, including fish, nuts, beans, and dairy products.

When is the Right Time to Take Minerals and Vitamins

You can obtain most of these vitamins and minerals from healthy, balanced teeth and gum restoration diets. However, taking supplements rich in these minerals can be a more effective strategy in certain circumstances.

However, if you are unsure whether you should or should not take a supplement, discuss the matter with your dentist or primary care provider. This is mainly because most of the over-the-counter supplements can interact with certain prescription drugs, bringing you harm in the process.

There is no right time to take diet supplements containing tooth and gum-replenishing minerals. It is essential to take these minerals whenever possible to replenish lost enamel or strengthen the gum’s protective tissue and jawbone. Consider consuming meals rich in fruits and vegetables to get a good amount of nutrients that are perfect for your teeth. 

It would be best if you also took minerals-rich diets when you experience bleeding gums and weak jawbones. This way, you can effectively reduce the chances of losing your teeth. 

Wrap Up

Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and phosphorus are essential minerals for solid teeth and gums. If you are constantly experiencing problems with your teeth and gums, consider taking meals that contain these minerals in more significant amounts. If you are concerned about the quantities of vitamins in your body, communicate with your dentist about what kind of food and supplements you should incorporate into your diet.

Your oral health can benefit in the long run from having a better understanding of how these vitamins and minerals affect your teeth and gums.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Lisa Johnson