10 Reasons Why Your Diet Might Not Be Working

Dieting can be discouraging when you don’t see any improvements and sometimes you may feel like giving up. You may be feeling frustrated but don’t give up; it is likely that you are making some mistakes. If you are trying to have your desired weight and be healthier, here are some mistakes you may be doing that are making your diet not to work out.

why your diet is not working

10 Reasons why your  diet is not working anymore:

  1. You are skipping meals

You may think that skipping meal will actually help you shed more weight quickly. The fact is skipping your breakfast, lunch or dinner triggers your body metabolism. Your system reacts making you eat more than required for the next meal. You may actually find yourself eating more than you could have done if you didn’t skip the meal.

  1. You have cut food intake too much

AS much as reducing the amount of food intake is important in dieting, not having enough will be ineffective. Lack of enough food slows the rate of metabolism which makes your body hold fat reserves. Also too much food cut makes you feel lethargic hence you are less likely to exercise effectively.

  1. Poor and ineffective exercises

Dieting is only one component in achieving your desired healthy body. It works effective and efficient if combined with exercising. Some minutes of daily exercise activity will help you burn more calories and gain your dream weight.

  1. Your diet is too prohibitive

Drastic and quick cut on some food you are used to may make you give up on working on your diet. Try slowly reducing your diet by cutting down it on small sizes. This will not only help you adapt but also ensures that you don’t give up and continue working on. Drastic reductions in sugar levels, for example, make you develop sugar craving which may tempt you to reverse to your original sugar intakes.

  1. You are not consistent

Following your diet schedule strictly is very important. Don’t starve by skipping a meal then binge in the next meal. Eat every meal while paying attention to the size of the portion, quality, and type of food. Take exercises and stick to your schedule, gradually following the schedule will make it easier for you to follow your diet schedule.

  1. Not paying attention to what you eat and eating too quickly

You may be eating too much without paying attention to the quality and quantity of food you eat. Moreover, eating quickly increases the possibility that you will overeat because our brain normally takes about twenty minutes to know we are satisfied when we eat. Enjoy every chew, chew moderately to give your brain enough time to register you are full, this will ensure you don’t eat too much.

  1. You are not taking enough water

Drinking enough water is essential when you are dieting. Water not only makes you full and avoids eating more but also stops you from confusing hunger for thirst.  Drinking at least the recommended eight glasses of water per day will keep you hydrated and help you honor your diet schedule.

  1. You are not getting enough sleep

Having enough sleep affects how likely you will feel hungry. Lack of enough sleep makes your body release more ghrelin; a hormone that tells you when to eat and when not to. If you don’t have enough sleep; less than eight hours every day you are more likely unable to control your appetite which will affect your diet schedule.

  1. You are drinking too much

Alcohol, like many soft drinks such as soda and sweetened beverages contains a lot of sugar and also has high calorie levels, yet they don’t have any nutrition value.  Too much alcohol will actually add a substantial amount of calories and fats which you are working on to reduce.

  1. You are being dishonest to yourself

Dieting may be tempting, sometimes you may be tempted to eat when you are not supposed to. It is not bad to salivate, just be honest to your dirt schedule and control your appetite. If you are not supposed to eat don’t do it. With time you will learn to be disciplined if you are not.

A good healthy diet includes eating all the nutrients that are needed by your body. Eating a healthy diet ensures that your body gets all the nutrients necessary for the effective and proper functioning of the body organs and tissues.  It also protects you from illness by boosting your immunity.  Maintaining a good diet may, however, be a challenge as our lives become busy. Here are some of the ways you can use to maintain a good diet as well as a plan that will help you does it.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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