8 Fat Burning Exercises That Will Make You Lose Weight Fast

Running is an incredible fat burning exercise. The activity allows you to have a stress reducing and an endurance boosting workout, with the only requirements being an open road and a pair of shoes.

fat burning exercises

What if running is not your favorite cardio activity? Here are the best fat burner supplement that guarantee you fast result. Did you know that there are other exercises that torch calories at a faster rate?

For instance, weight training burns more calories than running. Fast paced circuit workouts burn as many calories as running at a pace of 6 miles per minute.

However, resistance training is not the only option. There are cardio exercises and fat burning supplement  that will help you boost your burn. The following are 8 fat burning exercises that can help to incinerate calories without you hitting the pavement.

8 Fat Burning Workouts You Should Know About

  1. Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell Swings are explosive cardio workouts for the powerful and big muscles around the quads and glutes. The activity overdrives your heart and makes it pump at a higher rate. Kettlebells work you hard because you may not be used to them. However, this is an incredible fat burning exercise.[Read: Top Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight]

  1. Indoor Rowing

Did you know that a person with 185 pounds can comfortably burn 400 calories within 30 minutes in a vigorous rowing activity? That translates to around 13 calories per minute, which is incredible. Rowing is an amazing total body builder because it utilizes the legs, back and arms.

  1. Burpees

Burpees is one of the best fat burning  exercise.  A person with 180 pounds burns approximately 1.5 calories per burpee. That means if you can hit around seven per minute, then you have some double digits with you. However, you should try to get an average of 10 per minute, which will burn 14.3 calories every minute.

Read more: 10 of the best exercises to lose weight in one week

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  1. AirDyne Bike Sprints

The exercise may sound crazy, but it is possible to burn 90 calories per minute on the stationary bike that increases the resistance as your legs pedal harder. Ensure that you do the best you can in the 60 seconds. Kindly note that this is based on a scientific experiment that relied on the features of  an AirDyne monitor, which calculates burned calories by converting fan revolutions into physical work.

  1. Cindy

Cindy is a CrossFit workout which burns around 12 calories in every minute. It pairs three exercises: 15 air squats, 5 Pullups and 10 Pushups. Cindy works different muscle groups and allows you to do many rounds within a period of 20 minutes. If you are in good health condition, take this exercise without stopping or slowing down.

  1. Cross-Country Skiing

Zipping on skis offers a great cardio workout in comparison to running at the same pace. This is because sport needs you to push with the lower body as you pull with the upper body. Good cross-country ski sessions are able to burn over 10 calories in a minute. For this reason, Nordic Skiers always collapse at the finish line in many Olympic races due to exhaustion. If you have no fresh snow, don’t worry because you can get a SkiErg machine for your gym.

Also read: What Do Antioxdants Do In Weight Loss: The Key benefits

  1. Tabata Jump Squats

This is a five minute drill that burns many calories during and after a workout. The exercise has the ability to burn around 13 calories in every minute and can double the post-exercise metabolic rate for over 30 minutes.

  1. Rope Battling

Rope battling is a leading workout which consumes a lot of oxygen and burns an average of 10 calories in every minute. The exercise is suitable for persons who may not have the capacity to involve in complicated exercises.

The Benefits of Fat Loss

Many people want to lose fat to improve their appearance. However, fat loss has significant performance and health benefits on top of giving you a lean body. Here are such benefits of fat loss.

  1. Better Sport Performance

Despite the fact that not many people make their living by engaging in sports, most of the people love competing with family and friends. A fat loss plan helps you run faster and jump higher, which makes you perform better than a person carrying 20 more pounds. Losing fat makes you more athletic, which makes fat losing the goal of any person who wishes to improve on sports.

  1. Improved Strength

The lower the amount of weight you have, the higher the ability to lift heavy weights. It means that you build more muscles and increase your strength. More fat makes you feel weaker, thus you will perform lesser tasks. Obesity prevents you from completing enough reps, making it hard for you to stay long in the weight room.

  1. Better Cardio Conditioning

Extra weight holds you back in sport performance as well as in your weight room. On top of that, excessive fat prevents you from going on a long hike or playing an entire game.

  1. Increased Energy

Having more fats means that you get tired easily and feel the urge to take an energy boost. Sticking to a fat-loss plan makes you more energy efficient. That makes you feel better the whole day and saves you the money you would have spent buying high cost energy drinks.

  1. Less Joint Pain

Losing fats minimizes undue pressure on your joints. Despite the fact that active lifestyles and exercises have the ability to keep joints healthy, excessive stress makes them break, meaning that they become unhealthy. Additional body weight also increases the risk of contracting Osteoporosis.

  1. Healthier Weight

High body fat puts more stress on your heart and pre-disposes you to health complications such as diabetes, heart attack, high cholesterol and high blood sugar. A healthy weight makes the body look good from the outside and healthy in the inside.

  1. Less Stress

Exercise is a great way of relieving stress, although it must be coupled with fitness and sensible feeding habits, not fads that will easily go out of style within a few years. It is important to follow a strict diet plan for the best results in fat loss.

  1. Better Sleep, Less Anxiety and Improved Brain Function

Exercise reduces depression and anxiety and also improves your brain function. Regular exercises mean that the body must also be allowed to recover and rest, which improves your sleep.

Fat burning exercises are great way to loose body fat fast. If  you are looking to lose  or maintain your weight the above fat burning workouts will get you on your way. Remember to always seek your doctor’s advice before you start any work out plan.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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