Memory loss symptoms: What are the Signs of Memory Loss?

Signs Of Memory Loss| Levels Of Memory Loss| Common Causes| Regain Ability |

Long-term memory loss symptoms aren’t always permanent. However, it becomes more concerning if it becomes increasingly permanent and shows signs of Alzheimer’s. Therefore, you should be conscious of possible indications of each degree of memory loss for quicker treatment. But how can you identify them? What are the symptoms of memory loss? And When should you seek help?

signs of memory loss

You know you’re steadily losing your memory if you take longer than usual to complete tasks. Moreover, misplacing items, forgetting common words when speaking, mixing words, or repeatedly asking similar questions are telltale signs that you’re losing your memory.

Here, we delve into the signs of memory loss and other helpful information.

What are the Causes of Memory Loss?

Short-term memory loss occurs due to a lack of adequate sleep, depression, anxiety, and some medications you may take. Moreover, a diet lacking essential nutrients for your brain can harm your memory. On the other hand, long-term, often-permanent memory loss may occur due to degenerating brain cells from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. You can read more here on other causes of memory loss.

Short-term memory loss is often curable, and regaining your memory and capacity to retain and retrieve information is possible. You only can be more hopeful to treat your memory loss if it’s permanent and reversible, mainly if it results from Alzheimer’s. Treating it may be possible if it hasn’t advanced much further, but usually, palliative care to minimize the symptoms can help.

What are the Levels of Memory Loss?

Sudden Memory loss occurs at various levels, including temporary long-term and short-term, and permanent. The latter is usually a result of degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, which results in dementia and the permanent disability of remembering things.

Temporary Memory Loss – This condition results from changes in your daily routine, patterns, and behaviors, including diminished sleep, depression, anxiety, stress, and some medications. It’s entirely reversible, and a glimmer of hope exists for gaining your memory.

Permanent Memory Loss – This condition isn’t always reversible and occurs due to crippling diseases, including Alzheimer’s. However, it can be more manageable if any of the causes come to light through early diagnosis. Also, read our article on How To Deal With Short Memory Loss?

5 Important Signs Of Memory Loss

Both temporary and permanent memory loss usually manifest in some pretty different signs to tell them apart from forgetfulness. The common symptoms you’re steadily losing your memory include the following. 

  • Misplacing Items – While misplacing your things is standard, you know you’re losing your memory when it becomes too often. If you can’t remember where you put your car keys while you had it a few minutes ago or perhaps struggle to remember what you ate last night, a significant chance that you’re losing your memory exist.

Taking Way Too Long to Complete Tasks – You know how quickly you can be when doing some specific tasks. However, it may seem like you’re struggling to finish the simplest tasks that felt like a breeze once. While you shouldn’t always assume that losing your memory is the case, a significant chance that you are losing it exists.

  • Mood Changing for No Apparent Reason – While mainly a sudden change in mood for no apparent reason indicates extreme memory loss cases, it usually shows in the early stages. That means you fail to properly control your emotions since you can’t hold on to any memory. This symptom is typically expected in people with undiagnosed bipolar disorder, so it helps to check it out with your health provider.
  • Getting Lost While Walking or Driving In A Familiar Area – It can be incredibly frustrating when you fail to remember your way home or move around the streets you grew up in. however, the painful reality of losing your memory is that it’s possible to feel that way if it’s the case.
  • Forgetting Common Words When Speaking – You might wonder why you keep forgetting common phrases which you should remember quite easily. You may typically get stuck when explaining something and trying to find a proper phrase. If so, then possibly, your memory is diminishing.
  • Repeatedly Asking Similar Questions Without Knowing It – You may have asked a question and asked it again without realizing that you did. Sometimes, you can do that in a spin or severally and assume that you did it once. If that’s the case, there is a significant chance that you lost your memory or are losing it.

Withdrawal from Social Activities – Due to memory loss, you may become less receptive to people and show up in social spaces. Your ability to hold and follow conversations may become less acute, making it challenging to engage and venture into your interest with others socially.

When to Seek Help with Memory Loss

Mild memory loss may not be so concerning, but it can be if it vastly interferes with your daily life. People live by remembering things and connecting the past with the present to curate the future. Sometimes, the past determines your ability to make landmark decisions that impact your future. As such, you need an intact memory to make that possible.

If you feel convinced you need medical help, you should immediately consult your health provider for guidance. If you feel like you connect simple ideas, remember things that you should have before, and it’s taking a toll on you, a call to your doctor can help.

It’s good to tag along with a friend or family member during your consultation to help answer your doctor’s questions – if you can do it yourself.

Some Typical Questions Your Doctor May Ask Can Be:

  • Do you drink alcohol, and how much of it?
  • What things do you find increasingly difficult?
  • Have you been in an accident recently?
  • Do you feel somewhat sad and depressed, or is anxiety taking a toll on you?
  • When did your memory issues begin?
  • What kind of medications are you in?
  • Are you struggling with sleep?
  • Have you started on a new recreational drug?
  • Have you been sick recently?

Can You Regain Your Ability to Remember after Losing Your Memory?

You can regain your ability to remember things and restore and cure your memory. While memory loss means forgetting everything that happened in the past, most people don’t usually go to that extent – Unless you have Alzheimer’s.

People that have Alzheimer’s, a condition that results from protein growing around the brain cells, tend to lose their memories almost permanently. They may lose track of what happened in their past and what’s happening in the present. If that’s the case, getting your memory back isn’t always easy despite treating it.

Most people having permanent memory loss also lose their ability to connect ideas and events in the present. Unfortunately, no cure for restoring your memory and improving your ability to remember things has come to light, but palliative care can help you manage the symptoms.


The signs that you’re losing your memory are pretty apparent, and you can identify them just as quickly as they’re becoming more persistent. If you lose your ability to think and connect ideas, ask similar questions repeatedly without knowing it, and get lost lately, among other symptoms, chances are, you’re losing your memory. In that case, seeking medical help can be handy.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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