Does Shaking Your Body Help You Lose Weight?

Body shaking has been a trend as one way of losing weight for years now. There are even vibration devices designed to support the idea. But does shaking your body help you lose weight?

woman exercising

It depends! While body shaking has many health benefits, the potential for weight loss from shaking your body alone is negligible. Taking a more comprehensive approach by combining vibration exercises, diet changes, and traditional cardiovascular and resistance training exercises can offer significant and long-term weight loss.

Whole body vibration can complement an overall healthy lifestyle but is not an effective stand-alone weight loss method. 

Does Shaking Your Body Help You Lose Weight?

Moving your body through physical activity can aid in weight loss, but shaking by itself is unlikely to result in significant weight loss.

Any movement uses calories, shaking your body does burn some calories. However, the amount is minimal. More intense exercises that utilize larger muscle groups tend to burn more calories. Here is an article on whether or not you lose weight when shaking your belly fat.

But, studies suggest that for successful weight loss, you must engage in exercises that burn more than 300 calories thrice a week. That isn’t achievable with shaking. 

But remember, while occasional body shaking may burn a few calories, shaking or dancing at a fast pace for an extended period can be a form of cardio exercise. It can thereby burn more calories than just shaking occasionally. 

When combined with a high-fiber, lower-calorie diet, regular exercise can promote sustainable weight loss over time. However, for most people, weight loss primarily requires a combination of several strategies that burn more calories than shaking alone.

Exercises like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming utilize larger muscle groups and can burn significantly more calories than simple shaking movements. Read Here: Does Shaking Your Legs Help You Lose More Weight?

Strength training with weights can also raise your metabolic rate for hours after a workout, aiding further in weight loss. Still, incorporating any form of physical activity through movement and exercise is healthier than a sedentary lifestyle. 

Do Body Vibration Machine Help You Lose Weight?

Shaking your body through devices like vibration belts and plates has become a popular weight-loss trend, promising to burn calories and tone muscles through vibrations.

While these devices may provide some benefits, the weight loss achieved through body shaking alone is minimal. Vibration exercise complements traditional exercise and dieting for weight loss but is ineffective as a stand-alone method.

According to Edward R. Laskowski, M.D.,, body vibration works muscles through tiny contractions caused by the vibration. These micro-movements increase muscle activation and energy expenditure slightly more than at rest. Also read: Can You Lose Weight While Sleeping?

A 2019 review of studies [2] has shown that whole-body vibration can burn an extra 3 to 5 calories per minute while standing on a vibration plate. 20 to 30 minutes daily could translate to 60 to 150 calories burned. However, most experts agree that vibration exercise is needed for weight loss.

The minimal calorie expenditure from vibration devices does not compensate for the calories consumed in a person’s typical daily diet. You must create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat. So burning 150 calories daily through vibration would only translate to 0.2 pounds of weight loss per week.

More substantial calorie reduction through dieting and increased energy expenditure from exercise are critical for healthy and sustainable weight loss. Read Here: Does Pooping Help You Lose Weight?

Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Whole-Body Vibration Workouts

While whole-body vibration workouts can help you burn some calories and boost circulation, proper technique and exercise selection are vital to getting the full benefits of vibration training. Here are some expert tips for optimizing your vibration workouts:

  • Choose the Appropriate Vibration Plate Model

The design and features of your vibration plate will determine how effective your workouts can be. Look for a high-quality plate that allows you to adjust the vibration frequency between 20 to 50 Hz and the vibration amplitude from 2 to 10 mm. Higher-end plates with more adjustability give you more control over your workout intensity.

  • Start With Lower Intensity Settings and Build Up Gradually

When starting, set your vibration plate to a low frequency between 20 and 30 Hz and an amplitude of 2 to 4 mm. This will gently activate your muscles and allow your body to adjust to the vibrations. Over successive workouts, slowly increase the frequency and amplitude as your body adapts to handle more intense vibrations.

  • Focus on Maintaining Correct Body Alignment During Exercises

Proper form and posture are essential on a vibration plate. Stand with shoulders back, core engaged, and knees slightly bent to maintain stability during vibrations. Hold onto support handles if needed for balance, especially when starting.

  • Progress From Static To Dynamic Exercises Over Time

Begin by simply standing on the plate to activate large muscle groups. Next, perform static exercises like lunges, squats, and calf raises. As you adapt, shift to more dynamic movements like bicep curls, tricep extensions, and chest presses while the plate vibrates for increased muscle challenge.

  • Limit Each Workout Session To 10-20 Minutes At Higher Frequencies

To avoid overstressing your muscles and joints, especially at higher vibration frequencies, restrict each workout to 10-20 minutes. Take breaks as needed between exercise sets to recover.

  • Pair Vibration Training With Traditional Exercises For the Best Results

Whole-body vibration workouts complement – but do not replace – traditional strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Combine vibration plate workouts with core weight lifting and cardio exercise routines for optimal fitness results.

How Often Should I Incorporate Vibration Plate Workouts Into My Routine?

If you are new to vibration plate workouts, 2-3 sessions per week for 10-15 minutes each is a good starting point. You can increase your session frequency and length as you become accustomed to the workouts. It’s important to start slowly and build up over time to avoid injury.

Focus on compound exercises that work for your major muscle groups simultaneously. These are the most effective exercises for vibration plate workouts. Squats, lunges, push-ups, and rows are all excellent options.

Switch up your exercises from session to session to hit different muscles and avoid boredom. A variety of activities will ensure your whole body benefits from the workouts. Also read This: Why Is My Skin Itch When I Finally Losing Weight?

Listen to your body during the workouts. If you experience any pain, strain, or discomfort, stop the exercise and rest. The vibrations can rapidly fatigue your muscles, so listen for warning signs and pace yourself accordingly.

Stay hydrated before, during, and after your workouts. The vibrations can quickly cause dehydration; drink plenty of water to remain hydrated while exercising.

What Are The Risks And Side Effects Of Whole-Body Vibration?

While whole-body vibration has therapeutic effects, stimulates muscle growth, and supports weight loss, it carries risks if overused or performed improperly.

  • Muscle and Joint Strain

The vibrations from whole-body vibration platforms can rapidly fatigue and strain muscles and joints. This is a particular concern for individuals with existing joint issues like arthritis. Starting slowly and increasing duration and intensity over time can help reduce this risk.

  • Nerve Damage

In some cases, prolonged exposure to whole-body vibration has been linked to nerve damage in the lower limbs. This is primarily a concern for frequent or long-duration users. Limiting vibration plate workouts to under 30 minutes per session may reduce this risk.

  • Dehydration

Whole-body vibration causes the release of stress hormones that can lead to dehydration. This dehydration may increase the risk of muscle strains and fatigue. Ensuring adequate water intake before, during, and after workouts can help mitigate this risk.

  • Balance Issues

In rare cases, prolonged exposure to whole-body vibration has been linked to balance issues and dizziness. This side effect usually resolves after discontinuing the use of vibration plates.


Does shaking your body help you lose weight? It depends. Body shaking has many health benefits, but the potential for weight loss is minimal. Whole-body vibration can complement an overall healthy lifestyle, but for most people, weight loss requires a combination of several strategies that burn more calories than shaking alone. 

Vibration exercise complements traditional exercise and dieting for weight loss but is ineffective as a stand-alone method. To maximize your vibration workouts, practice proper technique and exercise selection, and limit each session to 10-20 minutes.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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