Best Treatment For Gum Bleeding: Natural Home Remedies

Bleeding gums might not be a concern at first, but if it’s recurring, then that becomes an issue. While home remedies can comfortably take care of the bleeding, that isn’t always the case. So, what is the best treatment for gum bleeding?

woman with gum bleeding

When treating bleeding gums, the best approach is to identify and address the underlying cause of the gingival inflammation. The gums bleed as a symptom of another problem beneath the surface, such as the early stages of gum disease. 

Dental specialists will thoroughly examine what is triggering the bleeding and customize a protocol for each case. They will check plaque levels, look for any deposits below the gumline, and measure pocket depths to assess the severity and extent of the issue. 

Only with a clear diagnosis in hand can an effective strategy be formulated to get the gums healthy again. For most patients, this involves a combination of nonsurgical therapies like deep cleaning followed by regular maintenance care at home.

More advanced cases may need gum grafts or other surgical interventions to halt damage and support the regeneration of lost tissues.

What is the Best Treatment for Bleeding Gums?

With the key is targeting the root cause rather than just the symptomatic bleeding, here are the best treatment for gum bleeding gums available:

  • Rinsing with salt water

For mild gum bleeding caused by everyday plaque accumulation, rinsing the mouth with a saltwater solution can provide relief of symptoms. Saltwater, also known as saline, has natural antiseptic properties that help cleanse the gums and reduce inflammation. 

The standard protocol recommended by dental professionals is to dissolve approximately one teaspoon of table salt into a glass of warm water. Rinsing with this solution after brushing and flossing helps flush away bacteria and debris at the gumline that aggravate the tissues. 

Saltwater rinses can help control minor bleeding when used regularly as part of a daily oral care routine, along with good brushing and flossing techniques. That is, until better home care habits have time to improve gum health. However, it only targets surface bacteria and may not work if you’re dealing with severe or chronic gum bleeding.

  • Antibacterial mouthwashes

Prescription-strength or over-the-counter antibacterial mouthwashes can provide relief from bleeding gums for those needing a bit of extra antimicrobial power. Mouthwashes containing essential oils, cetylpyridinium chloride, or hydrogen peroxide work to destroy pathogens in the mouth that contribute to inflammation. 

Rinsing with these antimicrobial formulas daily helps reduce gingival bleeding caused by a moderate plaque buildup and early gum disease. It fights off the bacterial load at the gumline. Read Here: How To Strengthen Your Gum Naturally?

However, they only address symptoms and do not treat the root causes of periodontal issues like calculus buildup. So, you will have limited long-term benefits without professional deep cleaning to fully remove bacterial toxins and tartar from below the gum line.

  • Antibiotics

In cases where gum bleeding stems from a bacterial infection like gingivitis or periodontitis, oral antibiotics can get the condition under control. Antibiotics selectively destroy certain harmful bacteria, overloading the gums.  Read: Can Gum Disease Be Cured: The Risk Factor

That helps stop the body’s inflammatory response, reducing swelling and bleeding. Commonly prescribed antibiotics include amoxicillin, metronidazole, tetracycline, and azithromycin. While fast-acting against acute infections, they do not completely eliminate all periodontal pathogens. 

So antibiotics need to be combined with nonsurgical therapies like deep cleaning, scaling, and root planing to fully resolve ongoing cases of gum disease [1]. They may occasionally still be needed for maintenance to prevent recurring infections, especially if risk factors like diabetes are involved.

  • Vitamin C and K supplements

Vitamins and supplements can help support gum health and healing. Certain vitamins have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that may reduce gum bleeding in addition to conventional periodontal treatment. Some options include:

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is essential for collagen production and supports immune function. Low vitamin C levels are associated with worse gum health. Taking a vitamin C supplement may improve symptoms of gingivitis, like bleeding, and reduce the risk of periodontitis.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3s from fish oil supplements have potent anti-inflammatory effects. Research shows omega-3s can lower plaque levels and reduce pocket depth when taken as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal therapy.
  • Probiotics: Certain probiotic strains like Lactobacillus reuteri have been shown to decrease levels of pathogenic bacteria like Porphyromonas gingivalis linked to periodontal disease. Probiotic lozenges may help reduce bleeding and inflammation.
  • Melatonin: Lower melatonin levels in saliva are correlated with worse periodontal disease. Melatonin’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may protect gums. In one study, melatonin with magnesium reduced inflammation markers in participants with diabetes and gum disease.
  • Vitamin D: Deficiency in vitamin D is linked to a higher risk of periodontal disease. While more research is needed, maintaining adequate vitamin D status through supplementation or sun exposure could support gum health.

Of course, most of these vitamins and supplements can be addressed with a proper diet. However, the diet step might not offer the treatment ‘speed’ needed during treatment. It might even be troublesome to try and eat with bleeding gums. Also read: Best treatment For Bad Breath

That’s where the supplements come in. All you need is to swallow a capsule or drink a liquid, and the process begins. If the bleeding stops, you will want to address your diet. Read Here: The List of vita

  • Professional cleaning and scaling

Deep teeth cleaning, known as scaling and root planing (SRP), is highly effective if the bleeding gums are due to early to moderate gum disease. SRP involves thoroughly scraping away any hardened plaque (tartar) and toxins from under the gumline with special hand tools and ultrasonic scalers. 

By disrupting and removing the biofilm and deposits accumulated below the gumline, deep cleaning halts active periodontal infection and reduces gingival inflammation. This allows the gums to tighten and heal without further bleeding or swelling over several weeks as the patient practices improved daily home care. 

Follow-up cleanings every 3-4 months help ensure gum health remains stable without a recurrence of symptoms like bleeding by preventing disease activity from restarting.

  • Root planing/gentle debridement

Root planing or gentle debridement is another mild to moderate gum disease option. The procedures are effective if plaques and calculus deposits are built below the gumline. 

They are minimally invasive periodontal therapies where a periodontist or dental hygienist carefully scrapes and smoothes the tooth root surfaces. They thoroughly remove microbial biofilms and mineralized deposits using ultrasonic scalers and manual instruments. This disrupts and eliminates the pathogen colonies, infecting and irritating the gum tissues. 

Removing these disease-promoting factors allows the inflamed gums to naturally heal and reattach more firmly to the teeth. Although less extensive than gum surgery, root planing thoroughly addressed the disease source. 

Post-treatment care focuses on improving plaque control to keep gums healthy long-term. With consistent home care, root planings can successfully treat most early to moderate periodontitis cases involving bleeding.

  • Osseous Surgery

When severe loss of jawbone and gum tissues has occurred due to advanced periodontitis, osseous surgery may be required. This type of periodontal surgery involves reshaping and repairing alveolar bone defects caused by chronic infection. 

Osseous is done through resection or regenerative grafting procedures. Bone grafts or other regenerative materials may also be placed to encourage new tissue development. It reduces periodontal pockets where pathogens flourish by helping restore normal contours and attachment levels. 

Osseous also enables the gums to reattach more closely and firmly to teeth. This alleviates inflammation, so bleeding and other symptoms associated with weakened gums are minimized for a long time. Post-operative care focuses on supportive therapies and strict plaque control to fully heal and stabilize periodontal health.

  • Laser Periodontal Surgery

Last but not least, there is Laser Periodontal Surgery. It’s an option for some periodontitis cases where traditional gum surgery is not ideal. The treatment uses light energy rather than traditional scalpels to remove diseased gum tissue, de-epithelialize flaps, prepare bone grafts, and perform other aspects of gum surgery. 

Lasers can seal small blood vessels to minimize bleeding and reduce post-surgical pain, swelling, and risk of infection. This supports faster healing and recovery. They can also precisely and selectively target only diseased tissues, preserving more healthy structures compared to scraping or cutting techniques.

Some dentists find lasers enable similar treatment outcomes yet are more gentle and comfortable for patients. The treatment offers an innovative solution when conventional methods pose challenges.


The best treatment for bleeding gums is a thorough examination and customized treatment plan to address the root cause. Mild cases respond well to improved home care and antimicrobial rinses, while more severe periodontitis generally requires professional deep cleaning. Other cases may require surgical therapies like grafting or pocket reduction to fully resolve the condition. With both nonsurgical and surgical options, the aim is to halt active infection and support natural healing of inflamed gum tissues.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Dominique Rice
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