Do Planks Burn Belly Fat: How To Do It The Right Way?

Do planks burn belly fat? This is among the most frequently asked questions out there, most probably for us who try to get rid of disturbing abdominal fat. Generally, planks are known to strengthen the core and also tine different muscle groups in the stomach area.

can planks burn belly fat

The accessibility and versatility make planks among the top well-rounded and incredible exercises which may work magic on flattening your tummy. Without further ado, allow me to take you through a top guide that will help you understand if planks can help flatten the tummy.

Can plank reduce belly fat

A plank is among the top beneficial and calorie-burning exercises. They help flatten the belly fat because they tend to engage many muscles at similar times benefiting core strength in the body. Further, they improve posture flexibility and tighter tummy.

The experts recommended someone stick to a specific goal of holding the Plank for around 60 seconds at a minimum of about three times. Planks might look simple, but they need a lot of balance and resilience.

The 21-day best planks ideal for belly fat

Through stiffly holding in the plank position, someone tends to strengthen the core, that is, muscles that connect the upper and lower body. The planks workouts also aid tone the legs, abs, hips, arms and enhancing entire body balance and posture. This 21-day action plan seems simple. However, for beginners, ensure you will get enough rest and also avoid overloading yourself.

  • Week 1Plan you should begin from around 20 seconds then increase to 60 seconds
  • Week 2 plan- increase time gradually from 60 seconds right to 90 seconds
  • Week 3 plan- slowly increase time right from 90 seconds to about 120 seconds
  • Begin the first days with forearm plank. In this case, place the forearms on your yoga mat, then align your elbows below your shoulders. In essence, the arms should parallel right to your body about the shoulder-width distance.
  • Further, you may clasp the hands together for comfortability. Further, correct spine and neck by looking at specific spot on the ground for about 30 centimeters before the hands. In this case, take care so your head will be right in line with the back and hold this position for about 20 seconds.
  • Single–leg plank (week1)

While getting comfortable with the above Plank, try and get into one leg plank. Lift one of your legs to increase the load of the core only if you are feeling comfortable. And by the end of one week, you will gradually increase the plank time to 30 seconds.

The essential thing is note is that you should not overload yourself at all, take some rest when required by lowering your knees on the floor for a couple of seconds.

  • Standard Plank (Week 2)

This should now be your second week’s start. Put the hands under your shoulders and ground toes to the excersing floor. Further, squeeze the glutes to typically stabilize your body. In this case, correct the spine and neck. Next, be careful with your head and make sure it’s in line with the back.

Thus, hold this Plank in position for about ten seconds, bend your right elbow followed by putting it on your floor. Also, do the same using the left elbow and return the beginning position via unbedding the arms one after another. This week you should increase the standard plank from 60 and 90 seconds.

  • Dolphin Plank (week 3)

This is your last week so alternate the forearm plank with the dolphin plank. Besides, this workout is perfectly inspired by yoga because it tones and strengthens the abs, core, and shoulders altogether.

Also read: How Crunches Helps Burn Belly Fat

Therefore, start in the forearm plank, then lift the hips toward the ceiling in V shape followed by coming back into forearm position and repeating this or about 15 times. At this point, begin with 90 seconds and increase to 120 seconds to 21 first day.

The Mistakes to Avoid

  • Avoid raising or lowering your back

Your butt, back, and shoulder should be aligned. Next, your lower body should at least rest on the toes and be tucked inwards. Further, you should avoid dipping the back or raising your butt above.

  • Avoid pushing the belly downward

Generally, the primary purpose of Plank is burning belly fat, and in this case, when lowering your stomach while holding Plank, you may not achieve desired results. Thus, consider keeping your stomach in the air and ensuring the back, shoulders, and butt are in a similar line.

  • Avoid trying to hold longer

In essence, holding your plank position for an extended time might make someone lose focus in the abdomen. In this case, avoid getting driven by any plank challenge simply because they might end doing harm to your body.

How you should hold planks into place?

It might be challenging until you will build the muscles a bit. Below is an overview to help you directly get to often plank position:

  • Get to push-up on floor into position
  • Bend the elbows to about 90 degrees, rest your weight on forearms for the forearm plank
  • Keep the torso right and rigid followed by forming a perpendicular line from your head to toe with no bending or sagging.
  • Now you should be able to loo on the floor because its relaxed
  • Next hold position for extended time as long as you can
  • Remember to inhale but do it steadily and slowly
  • Once the form starts to suffer consider pulling the plug.

Related: The Difference Between Belly And Pregnant Belly

The top benefits which might happen when you perform planks each day towards burning belly fat

  • Increases your metabolism
  • Makes you more flexible
  • Improves your mood
  • Improves your balance
  • Improves the core definition
  • Improves metabolism

Conclusion on whether or not planks help with belly fat

Planks are power-packed and simple body exercises that aid someone builds the strength of your upper and lower body, stabilizing the joints, and engaging the core. Even doing one minute of these planks in one day will help you towards achieving the best results. Get started today and we wish you all the best.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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