Can Decaying Teeth Cause Health Problems: Bad Teeth Causes?

Tooth decay starts with a cavity that develops as food and bacteria stick to the mouth to form plaque and produce unhealthy toxins.  But the genuine concern is can decaying teeth cause health problems.

Tooth decay and gum disease could lead to serious dental problems if not urgently treated. When left untreated, they could lead to brain and heart diseases. Research shows that one in every five adults suffers from tooth decay.

can rotten teeth cause health problems

What is Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay, also known as a tooth cavity, forms a hole in a tooth and causes tooth damage. Cavities start as small holes forming in the mouth and grow bigger if unattended. Most cavities go unnoticed since they do not cause pain until they grow to become tooth decay.

It is possible to be surprised that you have a tooth since you start feeling pain when it is too late. This is why regular dental checkups are essential. 

Symptoms of Tooth Decay

  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Black stain on your teeth
  • Tooth pain
  • Visible holes on the teeth

Four Main Causes of Tooth Decay

Cavities and tooth decay are prevalent issues among children and teenagers. Cavities lead to severe toothache and infections, and not being treated leads to tooth loss. To protect your teeth, consider regular dental visits and proper dental hygiene. 

Here are the leading causes of cavities 

  • 1. Poor Diet

People eating a lot of starch and sugars are likely to suffer tooth decay. Sweet foods have bacteria and produce acids when not removed from the teeth. These acids soften the teeth’ enamel and outer covering and break it down, exposing the inner parts. 

You might want to reduce their consumption if you love white bread products and cakes. These foods have sticky particles that remain in the mouth and produce bacteria. 

Another group of foods to stay away from is sodas, energy drinks, coffee, and black tea. Continuous consumption of these foods weakens the hardening of the enamel since these drinks have some level of acidity. In this condition, decay is inevitable.


It may be impossible to avoid these foods; however, moderate the consumption. Control the sugars you consume daily. Clean your teeth regularly and take a lot of water after meals. Water helps remove food particles left after meals and clean acidic components from sodas and sugary drinks. 

  • 2. Poor Dental Hygiene Habits

The most significant cause of tooth decay is failure to observe basic dental hygiene. Dental hygiene requires regular brushing and flossing after every meal. If brushing after every meal would be challenging, we should brush at least twice daily.

Brushing removes stuck food particles and eliminates harmful bacteria from your teeth. Plaque attached to teeth is a constant cause of danger. Use the right brush and brushing in the recommended technique to maintain mouth and teeth cleanliness. 


Observe regular daily brushing for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste. Observe a soft-bristled brush. To avoid brushing in a rush, invest in an electric toothbrush and set it to brush for two minutes. There are still parts of the teeth a toothbrush cannot reach. Dental floss comes in handy. 

  • 3.     Dry mouth

At times, saliva in the mouth seems disgusting, but it plays a pivotal role in maintaining proper dental health. Saliva keeps your mouth moist all the time. It helps in the breakdown of food and helps wash away food particles from the mouth. Saliva also acts as a strengthener and protects the teeth from plaque and potential acids. 

Dehydration could lead to a dry mouth, especially after drinking an excess of alcoholic beverages. Smoking is also a significant cause of dry mouth. Also, read the latest ProDentim scam: What You avoid when looking for a dental supplement


A dry mouth solution is simple. Drink adequate water. Also, keep chewing sugar-free gums to stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth. Control uptake of beverages like coffee, alcohol consumption, and smoking. You can explore the possibilities of the rehabilitation process with your physician if alcohol and smoking become a problem. 

  • 4.     Untreated medical problems

The untreated disorder may cause health problems beyond areas they directly affect. Sleeping disorder, for instance, leads to a poor sleeping pattern and dry mouth that may lead to tooth decay. Bruxism also leads to teeth wearing off. It may lead to damage to the protective enamel. 


Do not leave medical disorders untreated. Visit your doctor and resolve untreated medical diseases. Also, refrain from alcoholic beverages and embrace a regular exercise plan. 

Dental Dangers that Threaten your General Health

  • Aching pain and possible infections

Tooth decay exposes the teeth’ inner part, making the pain more pronounced. Once the decay spreads further in the teeth, it increases the risk of contracting an infection that could cause serious diseases. 

Possible heart disease

Severe pain is the main problem associated with tooth decay. Poor oral health impairs your general health and is related to cases of stroke, lung disease, heath attacks, and points of anxiety. If untreated, you may experience instances of chronic pain and loss of sleep.

  • Malnutrition

Tooth decay is often a result of poor diet. The primary remedy for extreme tooth decay is removal, which leads to difficulty chewing. A recent survey in Australia shows that 17.4% of Australian nationals do not eat particular food due to tooth decay problems. Tooth decay can decay your essential nutrients.

  • Mouth problems

Tooth decay, by extension, causes gum disease that affects overall health by causing damage to soft tissue in the mouth. Recent research on the right of Alzheimer’s disease proved that it has much to do with gut inflammation caused by tooth decay. 

  • Speech impairment in children

Early dental diseases cause severe problems among children. A potential side effect of tooth decay in children could lead to impaired speech and crooked teeth that grow until adulthood. This affects a child’s confidence, which may affect their self-esteem. Children with impaired speech are less likely to achieve their dreams naturally than those who do not. 

  • Diabetes

Harmful bacteria in the mouth that result in cavities also cause periodontitis. This condition damages the mouth’s bone structure and is a significant cause of diabetes. For diabetes patients, the situation becomes worse as they have a hard time absorbing insulin. A diabetic condition leads to high sugar levels in the mouth, meaning bad-mouth bacteria have a better condition to thrive and multiply.

  • Pneumonia

Before reaching the lungs, air must go through the mouth. Harmful bacteria in the mouth take advantage and flow with the air to the lungs leading to pneumonia. Good oral hygiene could eradicate pneumonia and significant lung problems. 

To Wrap up

Basic dental hygiene could seem causal; however, it helps maintain your general health. Keeping your teeth, gum, and tongue clean cleanse your heart, brain, and lungs, keeping them away from infection. Nothing can stop you from enjoying a healthy and happy smile, so long as you observe basic dental hygiene. 

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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