How Much Walking For Weight Loss:5 Tips To Lose Weight Fast

Regular walking has so many potential benefits, including weight loss. Compared to other forms of exercise, walking is an excellent form since you do not have to set aside time to walk.

You have so many opportunities to walk; the list is endless when going to work, for lunch, or visiting a friend. Walking one hour [1] per day is considered to have impressive results in losing weight.

walking to lose weight

A recent journal of exercise, nutrition, and biochemistry showed positive effects of regular walking. The study was carried out on obese women walking between 50-70 minutes daily for three days weekly.

Experts did the test over three months. The results were that the average weight lost was 1.5% of their body fat, and they lost a 1.1 inches waist size.

Any increased activity level in a human body increases the level of metabolism, which brings a myriad of benefits. Check out these tips to reap the benefits achieved through walking.

How much Should I walk to lose weight?

Health professionals recommend you walk for as little as 30 minutes each day. When walking to lose weight, you should aim to get close to 10,000 steps a day. If you want faster it might be best to increase that number each day[2].

Tips for Improved Weight Loss through Walking

  • Increase the Pace

The bottom line here is increasing the number of calories burnt. Running, swimming, and other aerobic exercises help burn more fat faster. To burn more calories while walking means you increase the activity. Read Here: Does Walking Really Help You Lose Weight-The Surprising benefits

You burn more calories when you increase your walking pace to a run. A study on a group of runners showed that they weighed less than walkers. The speed directly affects the number of calories burned, which shows weight loss.

  • Weighted Vest

Put extra weight on your body to burn more calories. A heavy person burns more calories than someone who is not as heavy when doing the same exercise. The weighted vests add more weight, thus encouraging you to use more energy on the walking activity.

A study proved this concept when men walked at 2.5 miles per hour on a flat surface with a heavy vest weighing 15% of their weight. They burned 12% more weight than those who did not wear a vest.[Also Read: How To Lose Weight With Intermittent Fasting Fast]

While wearing a weighted vest, it is essential to take note not to cause muscle imbalance that may lead to injury. Ankle and wrist weights can cause muscle imbalance that affects muscles. Regular walking on weighted vests is proven to bring additional benefits and faster weight loss.

  • Uphill Walking

Change your trail route and pick an uphill trail for increased muscle activity. If you do your workouts on a treadmill, increase the gradient. A person who regularly walks uphill climbs stairs and does more inclines several times a week will lose more weight than one who does not.

  • Check your Form and Posture

Walking requires you to maintain the proper form and posture to achieve the right results. While walking, always look ahead. Maintain an upright posture. This form helps you increase the speed while increasing your stride as well.

A walking posture should tighten your abdominal muscles and glutes. Maintain this posture over a long walk and through a short interval. This technique will help you build power throughout your walking distance while avoiding injuries.[Read: How To Lose Weight With Cycling In Just Days]

  • Resistance Training

Resistance training is an important exercise that helps boost your body muscles, which boost unique muscles like biceps, triceps, and leg muscles, among others. Here are some activities you could try that do not need any weights.

  • Pushups,
  • Squats, lunges
  • Triceps dips and
  • Burpees

The brief resistance exercises boost your breathing system and increase a person’s heart rate. It helps you build muscles to give you additional strength when walking. Strong muscles make a walking routine more fun.

how many steps a day to lose weight?

To lose weight through walking, you should take at least 10,000 steps daily. Any steps beyond this mean more weight loss.

To grow your walking exercise, it is good to break your record every day. However, it is important to keep realistic targets for the sustainability of the exercise. Make sure you add more steps each day to have consistent weight loss.

Fitness experts encourage people to target at least 10,000 each day. 10,000 steps are roughly 5 miles of walking.

Making It part of your Daily Routine

Creating daily walking discipline for weight management does not have to be complicated. Walking is already something that you do every day. [Read: Losing Weight With Exercise]

Though we spend our day-to-day activities walking up and about, we need a strict daily routine to make the best of walking exercise. A walking fitness app may help monitor our daily steps and minutes spent walking.

Make sure to have an extra comfortable pair of shoes while walking and a refillable water bottle to keep you hydrated. 

Here are some additional tips.

  • Park a distance away
  • Increase your walking distance by parking further from your destination. Make sure you reach your destination ahead to spare some walking steps.
  • Take the stairs whenever possible.
  • Grab additional steps whenever possible. Take the stairs in place of using the elevator. Stairs offer a more strenuous physical activity that helps you burn more calories.
  • Walking while going for lunch
  • A lunch break is a great break you can use to stroll through the office and enjoy the outside community. A walk around nature is a great motivation. You can invite co-workers for a walk and make the exercise more motivating, fun, and social.
  • Go for a hike instead of a coffee. Many people are used to taking their friends out for coffee to discuss a few matters. Make it a hike and boost your metabolism by walking up and downhill. Find safe local hiking trails, plan a walk, and make sure to overdo your 10,000 steps target for the day.

Getting Started

New to walking exercise? Walking is an excellent exercise that many people engage in. to make it an essential and effective routine, start slowly and progressively increase the duration and intensity.

If you are not used to the exercise, walking fast, and long distances may cause fatigue and muscle injury. Start with 10 to 15 minutes daily while increasing the pace until you can do one hour of walking each day.

To keep your walking routine engaging and more challenging, use these tips.

  • Reward yourself every time you exceed your daily target. Get an extra pair of shoes or an extra attire to reward outstanding achievement.
  • Spit up your walking time. If you target a one-hour walk, you can achieve that in three bits of 20 minutes each.
  • Modify your route
  • Get a walking partner.
  • Put some soothing music or podcast as you walk.

Final thoughts

Walking is an excellent exercise for weight management. It is a relatively inexpensive walkout that you can do anywhere. Create achievable weight loss goals through walking and keep yourself motivated. There is nothing wrong with starting from as low as 10 minutes daily. Become more consistent to reap the best results.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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