Does Toenail Fungus Go Away On Its Own And How Long Does It Take?

Fungal nail infections affect both fingers and toenails. Toenails are most affected. It can cause your toes to become discolored and thick and may crack and break. The scientific name for this condition is onychomycosis.

The real question is does toenail fungus go away on its own? Toenail fungus can be hard to kick. There is nothing fun about it either. It can be embarrassing.

does toe fungus go away on its own

The condition starts as a typical skin infection called tinea pedis, also known as athlete’s foot. Fungus buildup occurs and builds up under the foot. It appears on the upper nail fold and gradually changes color. Toenail, with time, becomes thick and yellowish or brownish hue. While toenail fungus is a significant threat, it can have huge effects. 

Medical technology today offers modern treatment like laser technology, which provides faster treatment options. This condition is preventable and treatable. 

how to prevent toenail fungus from spreading?

While you cannot avoid any spread of microscopic organisms on your body, preventing toenail fungus is possible. Toenail fungus thrives in warm, dark, and moist environments. It helps if you keep your feet clean and dry. To grow, the fungus needs a trauma on your nail-skin junction. 

One of the best ways to prevent toenail fungus from spreading is to use supplements such as Kerassentials, it may not be a one-time solution but Kerassentials independent reviews seem to show this fungus formula is very effective.

Some people can be more susceptible to toenail fungus than others. It isn’t charming, and here are several ways to help prevent it from spreading. 

  • Wash and dry the feet before putting on your socks and shoes
  • Clip your toenails straight and prevent the nail from extending to the first tip of the toe.
  • Wear warm well-fitting shoes that allow you room to breathe
  • Clean your nail clippers and pedicure tools before use
  • While walking in public walkways like locker rooms and pools where people typically walk barefoot, wear shower shoes

Medical Toenail Treatment

Treatment of toenail fungus depends on how severe it is. Cases like white onychomycosis present white patches of fungus that form on the nails. They can also be filed off through over-the-counter antifungal drugs. This medication kills the fungus and does not need any doctor’s prescription. 

In severe cases, you may require surgery to remove the entire nail. This happens when the infections affect the deeper layers of the nail. Over-the-counter drugs have less effect at this level.

You might have to apply stronger doctors’ prescribed medication for effectiveness. Thickened, discolored toenails may eventually become painful. For these cases, podiatrists could devise a treatment plan to help treat the condition. Here are some treatment plans to consider.

Debridement. One way to treat toenail fungus is debriding or removing thickened parts of the nail. The removal reduces pain and allows topic ointment to work effectively. Also, read Kerassentials scam complaints; What consumers should know before using this fungus supplement

Topical medication. Topical medications are applied, like nail polish. You can also use it like hand cream. Topical medications work best when the nail fungus is mild. Moreover, if the infection is deep, the medicines may not work. You must apply this treatment long enough to achieve the right results at the end of the day. You can also find out when a toenail is dying and what to do.

Oral medication. Oral medications are used to treat toenail fungus. The pills used include terbinafine (Lamisil and Iitraconazole (Sporanox, Onmel). Use these pills consistently for at least three months to achieve the right results for toenails. Oral medications have a high success rate if used in the right way.

Before starting this treatment, you might want to do liver tests since these pills affect the liver. Professionals may also recommend fluconazole (Diflucan), often used as an off-label basis for the fungus. It is caused by yeast. 

  • Nail removal

For most severe cases, toenail infection is highly recommended. Professionals remove the toenail to eliminate toenail fungus. Another toenail will grow. Visit the doctor frequently to prevent any spread.

This happens when part of the nail is removed. Artificial nail products are used if medics have to remove the entire nail. Light-cured resins that form a temporary covering are then used to protect the underlying tissue. 

  • Laser treatment

Recently, the FDA has approved the use of laser treatment options to increase clear nails in patients temporarily. However, there are mixed results in using laser treatment methods. If you wish to use these laser treatment methods, get professional advice. Call your insurance and find out where the treatment is covered. It could be slightly more expensive than other methods. 

How Can I Tell I Have Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus starts subtly. Many patients ignore it because it is painless. You will hardly have any notable indication of the fungus. 

First, nails become thicker, brittle, tender, and discolored. A nail affected by fungus is compromised. It can break easily. Once the nail condition progresses, there is itchiness and pain. A worse condition is when the toenail separates from the nailbed. 

Here are some symptoms.

  • Foul smell
  • Separation of toenail and nail bed
  • Thick white or yellow nails
  • Brittle nails which crack or crumble
  • Dark color buildup underneath the nails

Toenail Fungus don’t Just Go Away

If untreated, toenail fungus will spread and destroy other nails. You must safeguard your toenails and take the proper precautions to ensure effective treatment.

Take note that toenail infections are painless, and many people may become ignorant of this fact and develop severe conditions. Keep check of your feet regularly. 

Toenail Fungus Homecare

Treating severe toenail fungus can be expensive. It would help if you had proper working insurance, and some treatments like laser treatment may not be covered, meaning you have to go deeper into your pockets. Here are essential homecare techniques to observe. 

Prepare your nails by trimming and filing them once every week. 

Use clean shoes and socks. Changing your socks helps eliminate unwanted foot fungus. It eradicates yeast and fungi on the clothing.

Use hydrogen peroxide to kill the fungus that grows on the toenails. You can apply this through a foot soak—Mix 1/8 cup of hydrogen peroxide to four cups of warm water. Soak your feet between 10 to 20 minutes. 

Soak the effects of toenails in black tea. This is a cheap home remedy to treat foot fungus. The tannic acid eliminates bacteria. It also closes pores around the feet that cause sweating. 

Apply apple cider vinegar to the toenails. You can either apply or soak your feet in this vinegar mixture. Soak the feet in the mix for up to 20 minutes. The smell may be overwhelming, so you might consider adding essential oils for increased effectiveness. 

Baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda in the shoes like foot powder and shake gently to distribute the powder evenly. The powder sucks away any moisture content and keeps your feet dry. It eliminates any necessary conditions for bacteria to thrive. 

Final Words

Toenail fungus will not go on its own. It is eliminated by treatment or removing the conditions to thrive. If you prefer home remedies, make sure the fungus is very mild. If already spread to other toes, it is wise to visit a professional or use oral treatment options. 

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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