How To Remove A Toenail With Fungus At Home

How To Remove A Toenail With Fungus at home may require some proper hygiene. Toenail fungus is a common condition here in the United States of America, and it is affecting millions of individuals. Besides, this nail infection may develop on your nail from different organisms like yeast, molds, and fungi.

how to remove nail fungus

And it normally happens after such organisms become into contact right with any cracked skin or nail. Without further ado, let see some of the top-rated treatments to get rid of this kind of infection.

Diagnosis: How to remove toenail fungal

For you to start treating your toenail fungus, your first need the doctor’s evaluation on your feet. Besides, your doctor might decide to typically perform a culture where a small sample will be taken from your skin or nail for further laboratory evaluation.

Poor nutrition, psoriasis, staining from different nail polish, and microtrauma is major causes of toenail infection. Meaning, someone should take this essential step and pick the most suitable treatment for excellent treatment. Additionally supplement like kerassentials seem to be very effect for fungus, visit here to read kerassentials consumer reports

The risk factors Of toe fungus

Generally, when our feet remain moist, sweat or damp, there are big chances of getting toenail fungus to grow on them. Often exposure to moist, warm environments like locker rooms, swimming pools, or even living right in humid climate places might cause different types of toenail infections.

How to remove nail fungus permanently?

Try below home remedies to remove toenail infection:

  • Weekly maintenance

First and foremost prepare the nails for proper treatment through filing and trimming them at least once in a week. Besides, clipping the toenails relieves the pressure on your nails alongside helping the anti-fungal solutions not to penetrate the nails.

Further, you can also use the traditional best toenail clipper to keep your nails thin and short. Also, make sure you disinfect your utensils after using, overall maintaining clean, trimmed, and dry nails will be vital in treating your toenail fungus while also preventing them from future fungus attacks.

  • Epsom salt

Mix one full cup of Epsom salt into two quarts of hot or warm water. Further, soak your feet for around ten and 20 minutes to relieve the toenail fungus.

Further, you can also try elaborated Epsom salt, which includes vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and warm water. Now mix all these specific ingredients, followed by soaking your feet for around 15 and 20 minutes.

Related: Best Toenail Fungus Treatment That Can Help

  • Zinc

This mineral is tested and approved to treat fungal infections. So you can directly apply miconazole –zinc oxide on your affected toenail fungal to reduce the signs and symptoms of your foot fungus.

However, consider checking with your doctor first before adding zinc to your foot to avoid any side effects.

  • Diet

Your recent diet might be feeding the fungus caused by the Candida overgrowth. Below are some top-rated diet changes someone to ensure to starve yeast alongside enhancing toenail fungus:

  1. Avoid drinking excess alcohol
  2. Supplement your home remedies with probiotic
  3. Cut out from sugary diets
  4. Limit your carbs
  5. Incorporate garlic and ginger
  6. Cook using coconut oil – Cornmeal

Essentially cornmeal has potent anti-fungal properties. Therefore, we can try applying it as soak or paste. As a soak, consider adding about an inch of this cornmeal right to a shallow container and pour a small amount of hot water right on its top.

Further, allow your cornmeal and water to naturally mixes for about one hour before adding on your affected areas. For the paste, consider dissolving your cornmeal into warm water, and allow the paste to cool. Further, add it to the affected area and allow it to sit there for about one hour.

Also read: How To treat A Toenail With Fungus?

  • Exercise

According to the experts, a workout can expedite the healing process of your toenail infection. In this case, the blood pumps faster in your body and releases the flushes toxins as well as natural vitamins.

However, remember to practice appropriate hygiene to eventually avoid making your toenail fungus worse.

Further, always wear clean socks which wick excess moisture, remove shoes immediately when done with a workout, use the anti-fungal best food powder and wear flip–flops or preferably sandals when going to pools or showrooms.

Lastly, but not the least consider washing your feet using anti-inflammatory and antibacterial soap dry them completely after showering.

  • Medications

Your specialist might prescribe the anti-fungal drugs which you will be taken orally or preferably apply right on your nails. However, in some severe situations, it aids to combine topical and oral anti-fungal therapies for better results.

  • Medicated nail polish

The doctor might prescribe the anti-fungal best nail polish known as ciclopirox. In this case, you should paint this polish right on your infected nails as well as surrounding skin every day.

And after seven to eight days, you should wipe the piled-on layers entirely clean them using alcohol to begin afresh applications. In addition, you also require using this specific type of nail polish every day for even a whole year depending on the infection of severe.

  • Oral anti-fungal drugs

In essence, these drugs are frequently first selected because the doctors recommend them because they clear all infections faster compared to topical drugs.

Selections comprise terbinafine and itraconazole, which are special drugs that aid new nails in effectively grow from infection and replace your infected part.

An oral anti-fungal drug goes for six and twelve weeks until the nail grows back. Also, it might take about three and four months or even longer to eventually get of such infection.

Unfortunately, someone might require occasional blood tests to check how he is doing with these drugs to avoid side effects.

  • Medicated nail cream

The anti-fungal cream is rubbed into the patient’s infected toenails. Besides, these creams might effectively work better for thinner nails. And it helps the medication to effectively get through the hard surface of the nail right to the underlying fungus.

  • Surgery

This is the last suggestion the doctor can recommend if all other treatments fail to treat toenail infection. After that, the doctor may temporarily remove your nail to apply an anti-fungal drug right into the affected area.

Besides, there are some fungal nail infections that take long to respond to or even never respond to medicines, and in case you might undergo a permanent nail removal when the infection is incredibly painful or suspected to further spread.

How to prepare for the appointment?

It is very simple, start by seeing a professional family doctor or preferably a general practitioner. And in some cases, you might get referred to either a specialist dealing in skin conditions, especially if your condition is severe.

Frequently asked questions on how to remove a toenail with fungus

Q: What is the most effective treatment to treat toenail fungus?

A: Lamisil Terbinafine Hydrochloride cream is best overall when it comes to medication.

Q: Which home remedy kills faster toenail fungus?

A: Hydrogen peroxide is among the leading home remedy which faster kills the fungus which grows on our toenails. Besides, someone can directly apply it directly to the affected toenails or toes using a fresh cotton swab or cloth.


For some of us who have suffered toenail fungus can testify how painful and uncomfortable this situation is. The good news is that this condition can be treated and even get cured without getting advance medical solutions.

However, you should not wait until it is severe and spread to entire toes or nails starts now. Yes, it may take a couple of months, but eventually, you will see the results with above top treatments.

Medical Discalimer: The information provided here On Geeks Health website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. Reliance on any information in this response is solely at your own risk.
Jennifer Singleton
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